Monday, August 16, 2010

Spots Supplements

As the school year starts and the summer months of training is coming to an end you begin you actually sports season. Whether this is football, volleyball, cross country, or whatever else your school is hosting you need to keep your body in the best physical shape as possible. After all the hard training that you put in during the summer you don’t want to lose it from fatigue. BSN supplements can help you maintain and/or increase your performance. All of BSN products are safe for male and females (except Axis HT) over the age of 18.

Before workouts Nitrix is the best product for High school/ college athletes. A lot of people like using stimulants like caffeine to fuel their workouts but many of these products lead to a crash, and can affect the way you perform later on. Nitrix will increase the amount of oxygen into red blood cells, which allowing you to perform longer and harder without fatigue. The way it does this is by the ACE3 Matrix in every bottle. This Matrix consists of Arginine AKG, Arginine Ethyl Ester, and L-Citrulline. Arginine is known to help transport oxygen into blood cells thus causing a muscle pump effect. Cutrulline will allow your body to sustain this pump without having to continually put more arginine in your body. When taking this product you will also notice an increase in muscle recovery! Taking one serving in the morning and one serving before intense exercise or practice will allow you to come back better and stronger every day.

Yes Nitrix can help with recovery but there is more to it than just feeding your body higher intakes of oxygen, you also need to recognize your glycogen depletion. Glycogen is what keeps your body going, if you deplete your glycogen your glycogen while working out your body begins to fuel off of your muscles for energy and all that hard work that you put in during the summer is gone. When taking Volumaize before workouts will fuel your body with glycogen, giving your body what it needs to power through workouts and practice. Taking it after will give fill your muscle with carbs and calories along with amino acids to help repair the muscle breakdown, allowing your body to repair faster and possibly grow more muscle, depending on the intensity of the workout/ practice.

Whether you are a guy in football or a girl in cross country remember these two products. They can help you achieve your goals and set new personal records. Don’t throw away all your hard summer training, by not feeding your body what it needs.

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