Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is Chain'd Out better than Xtend?

We all know the importance to big muscle is protein and how we shuttle it into our bodies. but what we also need to understand is that certain Amino Acids serve different purposes. ALR Industries is at it again with creating one of the best BCAA formula's on the market.

BCAA’s are the branch chain amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine. Also note that all amino acids are derived from the assimilation of proteins. BCAA’s are not only 3 of the paramount 18-22 amino acids (as in your body cannot make them and needs them to live), they alone also make up about 70% of your muscle cellular pool and cellular structure. Unfortunately, BCAAs are lost (...muscle loss) at a rapid rate during training and during calorie deficient diets. The result is less muscle and the need to replenish these muscle mainstays…or better yet, trigger an anabolic environment that fosters nutrient super-over-compensation where we need it- for accelerated muscular growth. Why else do we train?

Never being satisfied with simply good or even just excellent, ALR Industries has taken BCAAs to the ultimate level for mind-blowing eff ects. Author L. Rea decided to turn the power way up on “anabolic drive” with Chain’d Out. First, we utilized ester technology to increase oral bio availability 200-300%. Yes, this means way more bang for your buck. More importantly is that our ester-protected BCAA’s greatly avoid gluconeogenesis (break-down and conversion to glucose for regular caloric utilization) very well. I mean why would you pay for a BCAA with half to one third the oral bioavailability and risk the majority of your muscle gains? Why not simply protect yourself from catabolic muscle loss while adding more muscle instead?

ALR Industries has taken the science of adaptogens well beyond anything seen before. Chain’d Out has a rock solid foundation, which is further reinforced by boosting its overall synergy through the addition of potent anti-catabolic agents, anabolic co-factors and last but certainly not least it promotes increased mood boosting and energizing effects. Author left no stone unturned in his passion to create the most complete and highest orally bioavailable BCAA formula on the market.

Benefits of Chain’d Out:

  • Provides positive modulation of almost all neurotransmitters
  • Enhances energy, focus, mood and stamina
  • Has potent anti-catabolic and anti-cortisol effects
  • Enhances oxygenation and nutrient utilization
  • Provides positive endogenous hormone modulation, including testosterone
  • Has anti-fatigue, anti-stress and anti-oxidant effects
  • Enhances immunity and recovery
  • Supports supraphysiological protein synthesis in muscle tissue

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