Friday, August 6, 2010

LG Science TriFecta Stack

When looking to get big, people can be overwhelmed with the information out on the market. Anabolic gear, protein and many other supplements can make people wonder what really works. Legal Gear has created the TriFecta Stack that will help any man looking to get the size he is looking for. This stack is safer than many others out on the markt, and runs for a little cheaper than the rest. This trifecta stack is a combination of Methyl 1-D, Methyl Masterdrol, and Formadrol Extreme.

Methyl 1-D is a Chemical cousin of testosterone. This product converts into test and also supports estrogen blocking, for optimal hard muscle. Studies suggest that supplementing with the ingredients in Methyl1-D promotes improvements within two weeks in strength, mass and body fat. People who take this product will notice strength, size, thermogenics, and conversion of glucose into energy.

Recommendation: During week 1 take four capsules per day. Take two with breakfast and two with dinner. During weeks 2 through 4 take five capsules per day. Take two with breakfast and three with dinner. Do not exceed recommended dose.

Second part of the stack will help boost your test even more as well as the fat burning. Methyl Masterdrol supports energy, focus and strength. The ingredients in Methyl Masterdrol support intensity and focus along wih a more intense drive to lift weights.

Recommendation: During weeks 1 through 4 take three capsules per day. Take one capsule with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not exceed recommended dose.

The last thing in this stack will help you lower your estrogen level and keep you test levels nice and high. Formadrol Extreme will promote testosterone, and have an anti-aromatization effect. The ingredients in this product will help support lean mass, and promote strength and endurance. This product was formulates by a team of researchers. Don’t settle for last generation products that don’t work.

Recommendation: During weeks 5 and 6 take four capsules per day. Take two capsules with breakfast and two with dinner. Do not exceed recommended dose.

People who have taken this product have gained form 5lbs to 15lbs. It really depends on how strict you are with your diet. Make sure to load up on good carbs and proteins while trying to bulk. This anabolic stack can help anyone from 28years of age to 45. This is one of the safest stacks on the market, don’t harm your body, but get the size you want!

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