Monday, August 2, 2010

Get Anabolics!!!

When lifting weights many men hear about steroids. The bad part is that many of these men don’t research these products and later hurt themselves. Luckily people can get anabolics without having to hurt there bodies. This is a safe natural way to boost testosterone and increase libido without having negative sides. The two and one combo would be Animal Test and Pro-Anabol. Here’s the info.

Animal Test

The Pro-Androgen portion of the Animal Test formula couples dynamic herbal extracts designed to facilitate a rise in free and total testosterone with effective anti-estrogen compounds capable of maximizing the natural anabolic response. Translation? Explosive gains in strength and size. This complex includes the revered free test potentiator 3,4- divanillyl tetrahydrofuran with anabolic ketosterones extracted from Cissus Quadrangularis—another exciting bodybuilding ingredient. Fortified with yohimbe extract designed to enable physique recomposition, this is only the first facet of the powerful Test formula. In order to capitalize on this blast of utilizable testosterone, Animal Test comes fully equipped with a combination of cutting edge anti-estrogens including the ultra antioxidant Trans Reservatrol with 3´,5,7-Trihydroxy-4´-methoxyflavone (Hesperetin) and Agaricus Bisporus polysaccharides. These constituents work to block circulating estrogen from reaching receptors as well as negating the inevitable estrogen boost brought about by excessive testosterone production, thus directly and indirectly promoting a higher ratio of circulating serum testosterone. Both components of the Pro-Androgen complex are assured for utmost efficiency and uptake through the inclusion of 6´,7´ Dihydroxybergamottin and patented Bioperine—the very best absorption-enhancing ingredients available today.

The final and perhaps the most dramatically powerful element of the new Animal Test formula is the inclusion of the highly heralded, proven and patented hypertrophic agent, Arachidonic Acid (AA). Backed by university research studies and real world testimonials, AA has taken the bodybuilding world by storm—and for good reason. Arachidonic Acid has multiple benefits for the hard training bodybuilder, the most dramatic of which are the ability for it to enhance androgen receptor sensitivity and to amplify training related muscle inflammation and in turn magnify hypertrophy. This status as an anabolic catalyst made it the perfect backbone for this new Animal formula—providing muscle building qualities by itself and augmenting the actions of the other extremely powerful ingredients that together comprise Animal Test.


ALR Industries brings you with their patent status MDHR the very first highly bioavailable and truly potent derivative of a naturally occurring plant based ecdysteroid. The base compound is called Dihydrorubrosterone, a naturally occurring ecdysteroid that is notably absent of the cholesterol group at position-17, but has a hydroxyl group at the all important 17-position. Furthermore, we have added a17-position methyl ether to increase both the bioavailability and overall potency. And a real plus is no liver stress like that realized from use of some of the older pro-hormone products. The result is a highly pro-anabolic compound with excellent oral bioavailability. The revolution of the ecdysteroid has arrived with MDHR™ and you won’t find this type of ecdysteroid anywhere else as it is a patent status exclusive to ALR Industries.

Our next heavy hitter is a very potent and very deliberately produced proprietary extraction from the well known Maca plant, also known as Lepidium Meyenii, we have called Macabol. We are not going into great detail on what we have done here to maintain our proprietary intellectual property and unique advantage, but to put it mildly we tweaked out some highly potent pro-anabolic, energizing, and lipolytic properties from this herbal wonder. Libido and recovery are also shown to be markedly enhanced in almost all users. We really do not have to say much as you’ll feel doubt!

If you want to get steroid like gains without the all the negative side effects, like raisin nuts, Low sex drive and balding; just to name a few then get a safe stack that will make you a monster in the gym!

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