Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Zoe Labs Steroids?

So I have the task to write about Zoe Labs, and there anabolic substances that they sell. With doing a little research I decided to share with you what I found. I will be going through each product explaining what is in each bottle and letting you know how it is anabolic or if it is at all.


Proprietary Blend 202mgs



From the info that I found, the most important ingredient in this is the colostrum. When you look up colostrum you’ll find information on how it helps with red blood cells and IG-F and some other important factors. You mostly see this improve overall health but nothing for bodybuilding.

Equipoison 250

Proprietary Blend 250mgs


Adenosine Triphosphate

Nettle Sitosterols

Vanadyl Sulfate


With this product the most important product is the ATP. ATP is what your body produces when working out. It needs this for muscle growth and recovery. Creatine also helps produce ATP. Vanadyl Sulfate is also another product that has been in the bodybuilding world. It is great for hormone secretion and plasma. This product was very popular before creatine made it big.


Proprietary Blend 350mgs

Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate

All I got on this is that its DMAE. DMAE is good for alertness and focus. This product might be good to take before and exam or something and maybe before and intense workout but not for muscle growth.


Wild Yam Root 500mgs

Natural Herb Base 50mgs

-yucca Bark

-Korean Ginseng Root

Dehydro-edi-Androsterone 25mgs

The last ingredient on this list is probably the best ingredient in the bottle, but not the safest. The Last ingredient is 5-DHEA, this is a mild testosterone inducer. Some studies have shown where people actually produce more estrogen than testosterone while taking it. This product has potential but nothing special to it. The rest of the ingredients will help with plasma and water retention.

Overall I wouldn’t recommend these products to anyone; unless they want to say they are taking an illegal substance and not really are taking one. If you would like to try some of these ingredients by themselves to see if they offer any effects, you can by Colostrum, DMAE, Vanadyl, Ctreatine, and DHEA for a lot cheaper when they are sold by themselves. Remember to always research products before you buy them.

1 comment:

  1. I used a stack in 08 I went from 137 to 194 as I was doing 1000 pushups a day on cinder blocks. This stuff does work if you are trying to bulk the way I'm going to reorder cause I'm now 64 years old.i still my pushups on chairs to get my drop,can't do it on the ground. Also I'm using stretch bands instead of weights.
