Friday, August 6, 2010

Anabolic MASS

Anabolic is a word that seems to be thrown around a lot by supplement companies. It seems like everything is anabolic, protein, creatine, and everything else on the market. But what makes these things anabolic. Well these products help keep your body anabolic. Meaning they help keep your muscles growing. So these products can even help women be anabolic. But let’s look at something that truly makes a MAN anabolic; I’m talking about pro-hormones. Pro-hormones are the closest thing that you will be getting to steroids.

If you’re looking to be like He-Man then you need something that’s going to set your testosterone on fire, like a lit match to a bucket of gasoline. As of late it has been difficult to find products that will do this but luckily those crazy scientist keep creating amazing products. The Newest of these is Chlorovar. Chlorovar is the latest and greatest product on the market. It is a combination of Halodrol and Orastan E, for those of you who don’t know, this means you will put on SIZE!

Look some of us want to be the big guys in the gym others are comfortable with being the average joe, there’s no pressure here, but if you are looking to be the big guy, don’t miss out on this awesome product Chlorovar!

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