Thursday, August 5, 2010

Be HUGE in three months!!!

Pro-hormones come and go, but how do you know which ones were the best muscle builders? Currently there are three pro-hormones that are on the mrket that have a lot of science behind them, and have stood the test of time for everyone looking to build and increase muscle.

To start off your cycle you begin with the ultimate muscle builder, Chlorovar. Chlorovar is a combination of Halodrol and Orastan E. This will pack on rock hard muscle and your strength will sky rocket through thte ruff. While taking this cycle you will need to eat like a horse. Dotn hold back allow you body to grow to its full potential. Just take two capsules a day one with breakfast and one before workout.

Next step in the cycle you want to begin to lean out but keep all your gains, this is where Dianavar comes into play. Dianavar has one of the best pro-hormones on the market, Superdrol. Superdrol can help you bulk or cut, so make sure to keep you calorie and protein content high so you can maintain those gains. Dianavar also has BCAA’s and Spirulina for absorbing purposes. Start taking this three to four days before you finish Chlorovar.

The last piece to the puzzle is Phenylvar. Pheylvar has Epistane along with two fat burning products. Taking this the same time you were taking the other two products will help your body lean out and keep your muscle size. When taking this product drop your calories but keep your protein intake high.

Once you are done with this three month cycle you will notice that you will be getting more attention in the Gym and everyone will be asking you what your secret is. It’s up to you if you want to share it.

1 comment:

  1. Epistane having minimal side effects I want to know if we used epistane regularly for our body please tell if it is good for our body and it's shape or we can use it without any problem?

