Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I put on Muscle?

Diet is important and implementing the correct diet supplements is just as important. Supplementing makes sure that you are receiving the nutrition that you need. When supplementing you need to supplement with the right idea. For people who are dieting to put on muscle, there are a few supplements that will aid in this. Serious Mass, CellTech and Animal Pump are three simple supplements that will put on size and strength. Remember when putting on size, you need to make sure to lift heavy and eat a lot.

When trying to eat the amount of calories that are needed for putting on muscle it can be difficult. This is why optimum nutrition has made Serious Mass. Serious Mass is specifically designed to help people consume the calories and protein needed for putting on muscle. Serious Mass contains 1250 calories per serving in water and 1630 calories when made with low fat milk. It also has 50 grams of protein with a combination of faster and slower digesting sources including, whey, casein, and egg. It is enhanced with creatine, L-glutamine and glutamine peptides, choline, inositol, PABA and MCT’s. Serious Mass also had 25 vitamins and essential minerals with an emphasis on b-vitamins and antioxidants (no need for a multi).

Once you have the right amount of protein and calories in you diet it is important to load your body with creatine. Creatine can help improve strength, power, recovery time, and increases lean muscle mass. However, as good as creatine is on its own, studies suggest that it can be made to work even better. After extensive development, Team MuscleTech researchers engineered Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series - an advanced muscle building creatine formula with powerful core ingredients suggested to help build muscle faster than creatine alone. This exclusive, patent-protected formula delivers results by rapidly saturating your muscle cells with ultra-pure, highly potent creatine. Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is designed specifically for elite bodybuilders and athletes who want to pack on muscle and strength fast!

So know you have your Protein and Creatine all figured out you need to prime your body for hitting the gym, and what better product than Animal Pump. Animal is probably one of the most hardcore supplement lines on the market and each product is intended for a bodybuilder. Animal Pump will help your muscles feel fuller longer allowing an increase in your anabolic window. When taking this product you can begin to notice a significant difference of focus in the gym, allowing you to lift heavier and longer with no intention to stop. Animal Pump is loaded with ingredients to help aid in the pump, as well as antioxidant that will increase recovery time.

Don’t settle for other weight gaining supplements, rely on what others have tested and trust to help them put on size. Get the size you want without the hassle of buying fancy labels and a bunch of hype. Remember to lift heavy and rest often to help muscles grow to there full potential.

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