Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dianabol vs. Bolasterol

Dianabol (17α-methandrostenolone) has been around since the early 1950’s or at least that is when it began to get some recognition. Dianabol was first studied by Americans in the 1960’s Olympics by Dr. Ziegler. Dr. Ziegler didn’t feel that Dianabol actually helped athletes improve in athletic ability, but he did notice strength gains and it was administered in the lifters.

Dianabol has been proven to increase strength but also to have a high aromatization rate when cycling with it. Dianabol is best taken with a Novedex or Clomid to help suppress estrogen. With raised estrogen effects people who take it will notice a large amount of water retention and a loss of muscle once they get off of it.

In 1990 the product was taken off of the market and is no longer available to the general public. Though it is illegal people are still able to buy it and can find it. The only problem is the quality of the product isn’t guaranteed.

Luckily science has improved since the 1960’s and we have safer and more effective supplements on the market that are of high quality grade. One product that is getting a lot of recognition is Bolasterol by Resultz. This product combines the top three pro-hormones on the market to create the ultimate bulking cycle. Getting big muscle and strength from this product is easy and the best part is that it has a very low aromatization rate; meaning no puffiness or bloating and all muscle gain. Some users of this product have gained up to 12lbs in one month!

Don’t settle for fakes, get the stuff that really works and do you your research.

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