Tuesday, August 24, 2010

N'Gorge your Muscle

N’Gorge by ALR Industries will increase nutrient delivery and the volume of blood and oxygen to your muscles, while delaying the onset of fatigue. This increases muscle contractile power and prolongs the functional capacity of muscle, thereby allowing increased reps with increased resistance. You will literally N’GORGE every cell of your target muscle with nutrient-rich blood and performance-boosting fuel.

  • Dramatically increases muscle size and volume
  • Increases lean mass and strength
  • Increases power output
  • Promotes greater contractile power and muscular endurance
  • Produces mega-pumps
  • Improves glucose and nutrient uptake
  • Enhances oxygen delivery

N’GORGE consists of the following powerful compounds:

N(gamma)-Hydroxy-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester and N(omega)-Hydroxy-Nor-L-Arginine

Unique hydroxy variants of arginine that radically increase and prolong the production and level of NO2 in the body significantly without interfering with the absorption of creatine. Other forms of arginine may actually interfere with the absorption of creatine. ALR Industries has solved this potential issue with these 2 unique compounds of arginine found in N’GORGE.

Norvaline Ethyl Ester

Dramatically enhances NO2 production by inhibiting arginase, leaving more arginine available for use by NOS (nitric oxide syntheses). NOS are the enzymes that convert arginine into citrulline, thereby producing NO2 in the process.

Citrulline Malate

Citrulline Malate is the time-released precursor to Nitric Oxide. It fuels ATP production and scavenges cellular metabolic waste products. Citrulline Malate also supports increased phosphocreatine stores for faster recovery post-workout and provides cellular protection.

Creatine Di-Phosphate HCI

Creatine ethyl ester was the “Creatine King” for quite some time. To stay at the forefront of the industry, ALR Industries once again felt the need to make a necessary change by replacing creatine ethyl ester with creatine di-phosphate. Users will notice enhanced bioavailability and greater gains in size and strength as a result.

Glutamine Ethyl Ester

Glut amine in its highest, nearly 100% bio-available form will result in greater recovery, cell-volumization, GH release, protein synthesis, immune function and anti-catabolic effects.

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