Monday, August 9, 2010

20lbs of Muscle Stack

When looking to put on muscle everyone knows that you have to stack. Sure people will tell you eat right, get your sleep, and workout; but if the guy who is telling you this has 20inch arms and is ripped he’s on something! We all want to claim that were natural or legit, but in actuality we are all enhancing our composition one way or another, don’t be fooled.

So let’s discuss probably the best bulking stack on the market at this time. This stack is meant for the experienced lifter someone starting out can harm themselves. It’s a combination of Halodrol, Methylzine, and Propadrol. This muscle stack will put on about 12 to 15lbs of solid muscle if doen correctly. This isn’t muscle you put on and lose afterwards, this is muscle that will stay. Make sure to get a good PCT afterwards to help maintain the gains.

Halodrol also known as H-Drol is good for bulking and defining. This cycle is meant for those wanting to bulk so make sure to load up on calories, carbs and protein. Halodrol alone has been able to put on a good 10lbs on people. This pro-hormone has a low toxic level so you won’t feel shut down after taking it.

Methylzine is a newer product that really focuses in on building dry muscle. Staking this with H-drol will allow you to notice significant rock hard muscle within 2 weeks. This will also help with the strength gains. Don’t be surprised if you max’s jump 20lbs.

The final ingredient to this combo is Propadrol. Propadrol is an anti-aromatase and it will help you with the lean look you are wanting as well as no female type of results afterwards. This will allows little to no water retention during your bulking, which means the size you put on is muscle not water retention. There is no toxicity to this product so it might be good to continue this after your cycle with your PCT, if needed.

You can be the guy in the gym with 21inch arms saying yeah I’m natural, just eat, sleep, and workout or you can share this all you buddies and help them attain there goals. Whatever you decide lift heavy, eat right and keep on truck’n; whatever that’s supposed to mean?

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