Thursday, August 19, 2010

How good is GAT BCAA's?

German American Technologies BCAA’s are a high potency formula that contains the essential amino acids L-Leucine, L-Valine, and L-Isoleucine. BCAA’s are some of the most important amino acids that you can consume. They help aid in muscular development as well as fat loss. BCAA’s are also rapidly absorbed, in fact BCAA’s immediately pass through the liver and are launched into the muscle tissue where the majority of the metabolism, of the amino’s, takes place. German American’s BCAA formula also contains Vitamin C and B6. These will help aid in absorption and muscle development. BCAA’s are used to help slow down, or stop, the catabolic effect on muscle tissue.

What is the catabolic effect?

When your body becomes catabolic it means that it begins to eat away muscle for energy. Many fitness advocates and weight lifters, forget about this process and over work there body while there body is in a catabolic state. Meaning all the hard work that you are doing is pointless. This is why BCAA’s are so important to anyone who is looking to improve their overall fitness or physique.

German American Technologies BCAA’s also contain Aminogen dose increased absorption. Aminogen has a high bioavailability, which has been shown to increase the amino acid levels and boost nitrogen retention. Aminogen is a patented, designer enzyme which breaks down protein and improves amino acid absorption. Aminogen is ideal for increasing lean body mass and strength while promoting deep muscle recovery.

The importance of BCAA’s to any athlete’s diet is crucial and essential. To keep your body to continually producing and building muscle you need to feed it essential amino acids like BCAA’s. Taking this upon waking, before workouts, and after workouts can aid in full muscle growth. Always have the competitive edge with American German Technologies.

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