Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Whey Protein Isolate for Big Muscle

Whey protein (the highest quality and best form of protein) is incredible stuff. It provides the body with the necessary building blocks to produce amino acids that are used for building muscle tissue. Whoa! Nearly every bodybuilder knows the importance of protein supplementation. Studies have been conducted that compare whey protein to other sources. They have found that whey protein contains the perfect combination of overall amino acid makeup... and in just the right concentrations for optimal performance in the body. Both hormonal and cellular responses seem to be greatly enhanced with supplementation of whey protein, too! Not to mention the benefits whey protein has on the body's immune system according to documented scientific research. Whey protein also plays a role as an antioxidant and helps support a health immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building.

100% Whey Isolate by SciFit is the most bio-available, best tasting, best mixing Whey Isolate formula. Each protein packed serving provides approximately 3 grams of the recovery enhancing L-Glutamine, as well as, an impressive 11 grams of the Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). SciFit's 100% Whey Isolate is low in sodium, is sugar free, and is aspartame free. How many reasons do you need to try the best tasting, best mixing, most bio-available protein ever developed? Our 100% Whey Isolate Features 1973 grams of Whey Isolate per container and 52 grams of Whey Isolate per serving. It's sugar free, aspartame free and low in sodium. Plus, it mixes with just a spoon and is great tasting.

Training athletes often consume 25 grams of whey protein per day. Bodybuilders who want serious gains (and are burning serious calories), generally consume 150 grams per day. Extremely high doses of whey protein is not recommended, as this will cause the body's liver to be overloaded and you won't get the same benefits as with a consistent lower amount taken three to five times per day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Muscle Building Sci-Fit

There are many things that help in building muscle. When building muscle you need to boost testosterone levels, increase protein synthesis, and suppress estrogen.

Sci-Fit's multi-action 3-Test Stack has been formulated with only pharmaceutical grade ingredients via a DHB enhanced delivery system for exceptional absorption. 3-Test Stack enhanced with Eurycoma, is designed to assist the body in supporting healthy testosterone levels as well as to decrease levels of "bound" testosterone. Tribulus Terrestris is a natural testerone enhancer perfect for giving you the test boost your looking for without the side effects. And ZMA, studies show that anabolic hormone and muscle strength increases can be induced in already strength-trained athletes by using this novel zinc-magnesium preparation.

Sci Fit's Methoxy 500 EX is a non-hormonal anabolic / anti-catabolic agent. This powerful flavone has shown to increase protein synthesis, and improve overall recovery from exercise. 5-Methoxy-7-Methoxy-Isoflavone, the official chemical name, is an all natural ingredient that was brought to light by a Hungarian company decades ago. It wasn't until 1997 when this ingredient was made available on the free market due to the expiration of their patent. Dozens of studies uncovered a literal gold mine of performance improving benefits.

  • Methoxy 500 Ex Benefits
  • Increased nitrogen retention.
  • Increased VO2 max (more endurance)
  • Increased strength.
  • Un-matched dose of 500mg per capsule!

SCI-FIT's new and improved ES3 takes a 3 pronged approach to combating increased levels of estrogen. ES3 is formulated with specific nutrients to:

  • Enhance the metabolism/decrease the amount of "bad" estrogens (16-hydroxyestrogen)
  • Inhibit the amount and action of the aromatase enzyme
  • Reduce the effectiveness of select estrogen receptor sites

How can I gain Muscle?

If you are looking to put on muscle without using steroids you need to use ingredients that will help give steroid like effects. What are steroid type effects? High protein synthesis, increase in testosterone, and increase in strength.

To increase protein synthesis ecdysterone has been studied to help. Ecdysterone is a powerful compound to say the least and based on the research, it can definitely help you maximize your genetic potential. Best of all, it's proven safe and effective for men and women! In fact, ecdysterone may just be the next herbal extract to create a revolution in the health, fitness, and bodybuilding world.

SciFit's Ecdysterone 300 Provides an impressive 300mg per single capsule of the powerful herbal extract. Research suggests that with a high protein diet, Ecdysterone will produce a highly anabolic environment in the body resulting in numerous performance enhancing benefits.

To increase Testosterone Naturally many athletes have turned to using ZMA. ZMA Makes you 2 1/2 times stronger than a placebo! Sci Fit ZMA is the only non-steroidal,all natural dietary supplement (Patent Pending) clinically proven to increase free Testosterone levels and increase strength in athletes engaged in resistance training.

ZMA, in an eight week double blind, placebo controlled study with NCAA college football players was found to increase total plasma Testosterone levels by 32.4%,increase free testosterone levels by 33.5%,increase Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1) by 3.6%, and increase muscle strength by 11.6%. The compelling aspect of the findings is that while the Testosterone levels and IGF-1 levels increased for the individuals taking the ZMA nightly,the Testosterone levels and IGF-1 levels dropped dramatically for the individuals not taking the ZMA.

The benefits found through supplementing with ZMA may prove to be extraordinary. The goal of every athlete is to remain in an "anabolic state" for as great a period of time as possible. Through naturally and safely increasing our Testosterone levels and IGF-1 levels,we will have much greater opportunity to accomplish this goal which will lead to enhanced muscle tissue growth and recovery.

SciFit uses only ZMA from Inter Health Nutraceuticals and is available in a 90 capsule and an economy 180 capsule size. To maximize the recovery process your body undergoes while you sleep,we recommend you take Recovery P.M. along with the ZMA.

SciFit's Recovery Stack is a state-of-the-art formulation of specific ratios of amino acids with added Vitamin C and Phosphatidylserine designed to promote lean tissue preservation while maintaining healthy, normal cortisol levels. Cortisol is the primary catabolic hormone released in the body during and following physical trauma and stress. Suppressing cortisol secretion during exercise may support muscle tissue preservation.

This stack is a safe and effective way to build muscle mass without worrying about any negative side effects. Get the size you are wanting, with the appropriate supplementation. Keep pushing yourself to the limit.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Creatine for Body Builders

PURPLE-K has become a staple in any serious bodybuilder's supplement program, because it gives you the real strength gains you need to move big weight. With each workout, you'll feel your strength grow. Other creatines just can't live up to PURPLE-K they are poorly bioavailable and cannot even deliver a full and concentrated dose of creatine to your muscles. Because PURPLE-K is pH-correct, there is no loading, bloating or water retention, and your body will absorb 100% of the dose.


The pH scale measures the acidity of liquids. Your stomach contains hydrochloric acid that has a pH between 1 and 2. In this acidic environment, other creatine breaks down into creatinine (kree-AT-ah-neen') - a useless waste product.1

Because other creatines break down in stomach acids, mega-dosing is common, but only causes more problems because it makes you bloated and shuts down your creatine transporters (Crt), making you absorb less creatine, not more.

PURPLE-K is the King of Creatine because it's pH-correct creatine that utilizes an advanced pH-correct buffer that prevents creatine breakdown in stomach acids. As a result, 100% of PURPLE-K is delivered intact to your muscles, making it highly bioavailable and ensuring real strength gains at a fraction of the serving size.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Essential Animal Nitro

Universal Nutrition Animal Nitro

Well it's a solid-looking gray can. Pop it open and you'll notice it's got inidividualized packs filled with pills inside just like the other Animal products. What is it? Take a look at the supplement facts. Whaddya see? A bunch of aminos (9 to be exact) totaling 12,000mg per dose (arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, and valine) along with some vitamin B6 and niacin. You'll also see that each dose gives you over 9000mg of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids). Alright.

Now if you're one of the 99% of the lifters out there who think that, who think amino acids aren't worth it, then stop reading right now. But if you're that 1% who knows the value of aminos, then read on because you're gonna find out that Animal Nitro isn't just another amino product. It's the only one of its kind that contains the right forms of aminos (uncoupled), the right types (essential amino acids), and the right ratios (Human Muscle Protein ComplexTM).

Animal Nitro is like pure gold. If you continue reading, you'll also find out that the sum is greater than the individual parts, and that Animal Nitro is more than just the sum of a couple of different amino acids. You get the right mix of aminos together, and what you'll get is an important supplement that all strength athletes can benefit from.

Aminos vs. Protein

Over the years, words like "protein" and "amino acids" have been thrown together so much, they usually mean the same thing to a lot of guys. Protein? Aminos? What's the difference? Too bad, because an effective amino supplement can do things whole proteins can't. Now whole or intact protein from food and powders like whey, casein, egg or soy are made up of amino acids linked together by chemical bonds. In the small intestines, special enzymes get to breaking down the dietary proteins in smaller peptides and individual aminos. Whole proteins must first be broken down into these smaller peptides and individual aminos before they can be absorbed. Some measurements indicate that 70-80% of 15g of milk protein in a meal get absorbed in 3 hours.

While it takes a lot longer for it to get digested, dietary protein is important because it gives your body the basics building blocks it needs-a wide range of amino acids that can be used to restore amino acid levels in the body to help new tissue growth and regulate important bodily functions. For accomplishing these very basic functions, supplement wise, you can't beat protein powders. They're fairly cheap and effective. But think of protein in foods and shakes as gold ore. There's pure gold in the rock, but you've gotta get it out to be able to use it. You can definitely get it out, but it takes more time and work.

Protein powders are less efficient too. A lot of the aminos in protein powders get deaminated by the liver. In other words, you lose more aminos. In fact, if you eat too much protein, it can actually hurt your gains because of something called the Protein Paradox (see below). Individual amino acids, on the other hand, are like pure solid gold. Because individual aminos are quickly absorbed and assimilated, they're far more efficient. Like protein powders, individual amino acids can provide a source of dietary protein the body needs. More importantly, because they can more efficiently directly enter into systemic circulation, individual aminos offer additional benefits that we'll talk about shortly.

Animal Nitro's formula contains only individual amino acids, no whole proteins. Why? Individual amino acids can produce pharmacological and physiological effects such as anabolism, hormone regulation (growth hormone, insulin), immunomodulation, neurotransmitter function, and the like. Amino acids, in other words, have the ability to be more than just building blocks for the body. Unlike protein powders, aminos can exert certain anabolic and anti-catabolic effects and impact hormonal functions.

In the real world, what this means is that the right ratios, forms, and kinds of individual aminos can potentially increase strength, shorten recovery times, reduce fatigue, and increase lean mass in a way protein powders can't. So does all this mean if you're gonna use Animal Nitro, then you should stop taking your protein powder (actually, you could use Animal Nitro to replace your protein shake-it'd be better and more efficient, but it'd be more expensive too)? No. You should probably be doing both. In fact, if you're on a higher protein diet, then you should really consider taking Animal Nitro because of something called the Protein Paradox.

There are studies that argue that increasing protein intakes too much can actually hurt growth, not encourage it. This is the Protein Paradox. By eating more protein-rich foods and protein shakes, scientists believe this can actually reduce the availability of aminos in tissues due to wastage (catabolism). This reduction of aminos can then put the brakes on protein synthesis and, ultimately, weight gain. For example, drinking a lot of whey protein shakes may give you a lot of BCAAs, but with high protein diets, these BCAAs can be quickly catabolized. Over the long run, researchers speculate that high protein diets can lead to metabolic imbalances, deficiencies of key amino acids in the body, and suppress protein synthesis.

So while higher protein diets are important for bodybuilders, there are diminishing returns as you increase your intake-you get less and less value back from each gram of protein. More importantly, beyond a certain point, too much protein can actually have a negative effect by making it harder to gain size as more and more aminos are lost to catabolism. The Protein Paradox can affect the bodybuilder who's getting a large percentage of his calories from protein. Since you're not going to know when you hit the point where you're taking in too much protein, you should supplement with the fast-acting amino Animal Nitro just in case. Animal Nitro can continue delivering important amino acids.

"Uncoupled" Aminos

Animal Nitro contains only individual or "uncoupled" aminos. You're not going to find protein powder filled into capsules. No way. We use uncoupled aminos for a couple of different reasons. A lot of important research has shown that uncoupled amino acids are more quickly absorbed in the GI tract than protein in whole foods and supplements. As these uncoupled aminos don't need to be digested, they should ideally be taken when rapid absorption is critical, when certain pharmacological effects are desired, or when individuals are on higher protein diets. They can also help lifters who are cutting and bulking.

But uncoupled aminos are different in a more fundamental way. They can actually bypass the liver (where aminos are usually deaminated and ultimately converted to urea) and enter systemic circulation. When this happens, the pharmacological benefits can be realized. Here's how it works. When you eat a steak or drink a protein shake, the aminos get caught up and processed in the liver. Uncoupled amino acids, on the other hand, have the ability actually bypass the liver. Once ingested, uncoupled aminos can form a "bolus"-think of this as a therapeutic mass of aminos.

Due to this protective bolus, when the uncoupled aminos reach the liver, they can escape the liver's processing. In other words, these aminos can enter into systemic circulation quickly and reach their target areas to exert the pharmacological and physiological effects. Tableted amino acid supplements or protein powders, because they take longer to digest, are catabolized to urea a greater degree by the liver. That's why Animal Nitro contains only uncoupled amino acids in quick-dissolving capsules. Tableting would defeat the purpose of this particular product.

Additionally, only with free "uncoupled" aminos can you precisely complex and formulate the right kinds of aminos, in the right ratios. It's not just a matter of throwing uncoupled aminos in there. You have to also choose the right aminos and in the right amounts relative to the other aminos. The only real downsides to uncoupled aminos are their price (very expensive) and their taste (not so good). This takes us to a discussion of essential amino acids versus non-essential amino acids.

Essential Aminos vs. Non-Essential Aminos

So now you know why using uncoupled aminos are important and different than regular protein shakes. We got the form of the aminos down, now we have to talk about which aminos are critical. Without getting into a debate about conditional aminos, there are two accepted categories of amino acids: essential (indispensable) and non-essential (dispensable). Essential amino acids (EAA) are those that are, well, essential. The body can't make them on their own; it must obtain them from the foods and supplements you eat. Non-essential amino acids (NEAA), on the other hand, can be synthesized by the body.

It's pretty obvious that the EAA are valuable. Just how valuable? Let's put it this way, the human body can maintain nitrogen balance on just the essential amino acids if necessary. And Animal Nitro contains 8 essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine) plus arginine, an "acquired non-dispensable" amino acid. Why these 9 amino acids? First, there are numerous studies looking at the impact of these same amino acids on the human body. Again and again, clinical studies have shown that EAA can exert significant anabolic effects via protein synthesis and net nitrogen balance.

Second, non-essential amino acids aren't necessary to stimulate net protein synthesis and anabolism. In concrete terms, researchers at the University of Texas found that a 6g dose of essential amino acids was about twice as effective as a 6g serving of mixed amino acids in stimulating protein synthesis. These researchers concluded that NEAA are not necessary for the stimulation of net muscle protein balance. Other researchers have confirmed this finding. They concluded that "nonessential amino acids did not provide any additional significant stimulation of muscle anabolism above that reached with essential amino acids alone". This is just another reason that other amino acid supplements and protein powders won't cut it when it-you need to be able to custom-tailor the amino acid profile and include EAA. Non-essential aminos are just that, non-essential.

Bottom line, when it comes to delivering an anabolic pulse necessary for new growth, only uncoupled essential amino acids are absolutely critical. Pure EAA are just that efficient and important. One researcher who examined EAA concluded that "our results, along with virtually all date in the literature on the topic, suggest that increasing amino acid intake will increase muscle mass, with all other variables remaining constant." So now that we covered the forms of the aminos (uncoupled) and the types (essential amino acids), let's put it all together and look at the ratios of aminos, which we'll talk about next...

Human Muscle ProteinTM: Putting It All Together

As we talked about last time, Animal Nitro uses only uncoupled, essential amino acids (EAA). Although very expensive, uncoupled aminos are unique in that they can form a bolus, bypass the liver, and enter systemic circulation quickly; they can produce pharmacological and physiological effects such as hormone regulation (insulin, GH), immunomodulation, anabolism (via protein synthesis); and they provide flexibility-you can custom-tailor a supplement with the ideal amino acid profile.

Further, we only used essential amino acids (EAA) because a number of recent studies have looked at the impact of oral EAA supplementation on anabolism and protein synthesis. These important studies also found that only small doses of EAA were required and that non-essential amino acids (NEAA) weren't necessary to obtain results. For instance, researchers have found "that providing only essential amino acids in a supplement would provide all the amino acids necessary to increase net muscle protein synthesis" and that they believed that it wasn't necessary to "include nonessential amino acids in a formulation designed to elicit an anabolic response from muscle after exercise" (Tipton, et al.) Bottom line: to spark anabolism, only the essential aminos are needed.

Finally, we chose these 9 aminos because these are the same exact amino acids found in human muscle protein itself. More precisely, Animal Nitro's Human Muscle Protein ComplexTM contains the same aminos and ratios of aminos as found in human muscle protein. No other amino acid supplement can make that claim. We formulated Animal Nitro to be perfectly tailored to meet the needs of your working muscle itself, to be engineered to match the nutritional needs of your working muscles right down to the individual amino. If muscles have a lock, then Animal Nitro is the key to unlock it.

Before we talk about Animal Nitro, we need to look at the effectiveness of oral amino acid supplements. As we touched on in Part I, the kind of the pills, the types/amounts/form of aminos used, and the timing of the doses can make all the difference when it comes to anabolism. As much research has shown, taking in amino acids after lifting can significantly increase muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle protein breakdown. In other words, amino acids can have an anabolic effect on muscle (via hyperaminoacidemia). While older studies looked at intravenous infusion of aminos, more recent studies have shown that orally administered amino acids (provided they are the right kinds and amounts) can also produce anabolism.

In fact, researchers have concluded that among healthy, training individuals, "an oral amino acid supplement is just as effective as amino acid infusion for producing hyperaminoacidemia and net muscle protein synthesis" (Tipton, et al.). And like we said earlier, studies also show that you don't need a lot of aminos... All you need are just 6g of the right aminos. Just how efficient are orally-delivered essential amino acids in practical terms? According to some unpublished results, researchers noted that a small amount of essential amino acids were incorporated into protein, not catabolized. When 40g of whey protein was ingested, on the other hand, urea production increased significantly.

Animal Nitro: What It Can Do For You

So by now, you should know what Animal Nitro is all about. Each pack contains a proven dose of 6g of those special aminos your muscles need (including about 4568mg of BCAAs). Nothing else. Animal Nitro is pure, clean, simple, and effective. As it contains only the uncoupled, essential aminos acids, vitamin B6 and niacin, Animal Nitro makes a perfect all-around, all-purpose amino acid product for strength athletes. But we'll be honest with you. While we think Animal Nitro is the best amino supplement around, we think that the advanced, competitive athlete really stands to benefit the most from this new product.

Untrained or inexperienced lifters can make great gains with proper nutrition and training. For these guys, focusing on eating the right foods and training hard will make all the difference. The elite athlete is the one looking for incremental gains; he needs to squeeze out every last advantage he can from his training and his nutrition. Now Animal Nitro isn't going to pack on outrageous mass overnight or give you incredible strength gains in a couple of days. Guys who've been in the iron game for a long time know that no supplement is going to do that. But for this competitive lifter with the seasoned physique, Animal Nitro can give him that extra edge.

At this level, experienced lifters know it's about pounds and inches. Animal Nitro was designed with these guys in mind to help increase strength, improve recovery, reduce fatigue, and provide more energy for improved training efficiency. In the real world, this can mean adding meaningful weight to your 1 rep max in the bench, helping your body recover faster from grueling workouts, helping to maintain lean tissue for a show, and improving your energy levels (we'll talk about the results some testers achieved in Part III of this article).

Timing is important too, according to current research. From an anabolic point of view, there is a critical nutritional "window of opportunity" that exists for all lifters. During this important time, it's possible to prime your body's anabolic engine and ultimately set your body up for optimum gains. Miss this window, and you can shortchange your muscles. Therefore, for optimal gains, Animal Nitro should be taken around lifting-just before training, and immediately after. Following lifting, the body enters a state where muscle protein synthesis is stimulated, as is the rate of muscle protein breakdown. The trick is to make sure that the net muscle protein balance is positive, not negative. When it's positive, your body enters an anabolic state.

Taking Animal Nitro pre-training can be beneficial as well. In one published study in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism, researchers examined the consumption of an oral essential amino acid supplement prior to training. What these researchers concluded was that when oral essential aminos were taken prior to training, net muscle protein synthesis was greater than when those aminos were consumed afterwards. The researchers theorized that this was due to the fact that there was an increased delivery of aminos to targeted tissues. Therefore, taking Animal Nitro pre- and post-training should produce the best results. As a targeted amino acid supplement, athletes can use Animal Nitro when they're cutting, bulking or even maintaining.

Dieting athletes can benefit from the extra BCAAs in Animal Nitro (close to 4600mg of BCAAs per pack), as well as the other essential aminos. Essential aminos can be used by the body to create other non-essential aminos. This is important when calories and protein are restricted during pre-contest dieting. On the other hand, athletes who are taking in more protein because they're bulking up can benefit from Animal Nitro because Animal Nitro can deliver those essential amino acids more quickly and efficiently. At a certain point, the body reaches a threshold and cannot effectively utilize dietary protein-excess aminos from food and protein shakes get catabolized, producing diminishing returns. In these instances, Animal Nitro makes a whole lot of sense. For guys looking to maintain, Animal Nitro can help with increasing strength, recovery, reducing fatigue, and maintaining a favorable testosterone levels. In short, Animal Nitro is a pretty useful supplement for strength athletes.

How To Use Animal Nitro

It's pretty simple. Just take one pack of Animal Nitro, right after training. But to take full advantage of the anabolic window of opportunity around lifting, you should take Animal Nitro pre- and post-training. The trick with Animal Nitro is to always take it on an empty stomach. Because the aminos in Animal Nitro don't need to be digested like regular protein, you won't have to worry about stomach upset, feeling full, or anything else. If you have a favorite post-training shake, then you can continue to use that with Animal Nitro. Immediately following training, you'd take your Animal Nitro. After a half hour or more, you can follow this up with your protein/carb shake. Piece of cake. Right?

All in all, amino acids are pretty simple things, but supplementation can be complex. It's not just a matter of popping a few amino tablets or drinking a protein shake. With Animal Nitro, getting the right aminos is a piece of cake. When it comes to sparking anabolism, no other supplement-protein shake or amino supplement-is as efficient and effective as Animal Nitro. When all is said and done, after all the talk about EAA and uncoupled aminos, Animal Nitro works very, very simply. Taking Animal Nitro is like turning on a light switch. The unique, oral amino formula in Animal Nitro can literally turn the anabolic switch "on" by shifting muscle protein balance from negative to positive. Once on, with the body in an anabolic state, the body can recover more quickly and efficiently for gains. By taking Animal Nitro pre- and post-training, the anabolic switch is turned on and remains on during the most critical nutritional window of opportunity.

Real World Results:

Sure, amino acid supplements have been around for a long time. The fact that they're still being used should tell you something. They've got a proven track record in the gym. They've been used by a countless number of lifters. Over the years, amino acids have also been subject of numerous studies. In short, along with protein and a handful of other supplements, amino acids have a studied in depth. More importantly, new studies are being performed all the time. So just because aminos aren't new, it doesn't mean new studies aren't being done on them. They are.

As we talked about in Parts I and II, some of those newer studies published in the last couple of years have looked at essential amino acids and how they can benefit athletes by enhancing anabolism. So just because a supplement is "old school" doesn't mean it can't be brought into the future. With essential amino acids, this is exactly what the recent studies are doing. Using the latest research as a foundation, we created Animal Nitro to be the best amino acid supplement. Period. We think we did just that.

But at the end of the day, studies are studies. What truly matters, in our opinion, is real world results. What do real lifters who use supplements think of them? What kinds of gains are they making? Is a particular supplement worth it? These are some of the things we wanted answers to. That's why we created the Alpha Testing Program. We wanted to see how our supplements would perform in real life situations when used by real lifters.

To test Animal Nitro, real lifters were recruited. They were sent the product to test for 3 weeks. 52 people successfully completed the three-week program, filling out weekly progress reports, etc. Before we started, we pretty much knew what the Alpha Testers could expect with Animal Nitro. Even so, when we saw the end results, we were pretty surprised. We're sure Animal Nitro is going to be a solid addition to the Animal line.

Look you don't have to take our word for it. You don't even have to take the word from real people like yourself who've tested the product firsthand. If you don't want to be a skeptic, we encourage you to try the product yourself. After all, we've been proudly standing behind our product guarantee for a long, long time. If you try Animal Nitro and you don't like it, return it and we'll credit you or refund your money. It's that simple. What more do you need to know? Oh yeah, the results...

Objective Parameters:

We basically measured two things, one objective and one subjective. In the first, we had each Alpha Tester measure his one rep max in the bench press, deadlift and squat. In the second, we also had them indicate what benefits they got from Animal Nitro at the end of three weeks. We measured subjective elements including strength, fatigue, recovery, and energy.

For starters, we can talk about what the average Alpha Tester looked like. Our average, he's 31 years old, weighs just under 205 with 13% bodyfat. At the start of the program, he could bench 272, deadlift 335, and squat 358. Among all the Alpha Testers, the highs in the bench, deadlift and squat were 400, 525 and 765 pounds respectively.

Of the 52 Alpha Testers, all but three experienced one kind of gain or another. Not bad. Let's start with the bench press. After 3 weeks, the average bench press (one rep max) increased by 4.7%. That percentage increase translates into 12.88 lb. In other words, after three weeks, the average gain on the bench press (1 rep max) was nearly 13 pounds. Nearly 60% the Alpha Testers saw an increase in the bench press (one rep max) between 6-45 pounds.

On the deadlift, we saw similar gains. The average deadlift (one rep max) increased by 18.07 lb. after only 3 weeks (a 5.4% increase). Over 65% of the Alpha Testers saw their deadlift increase by between 6-45 lb. In terms of the squat, the average increase for the one rep max was a sizeable 21.52 lb., reflecting an increase of 5.9%. 73% of the Alpha Testers experienced a gain in their squat between 6-55 lb.

Now while we anticipated some strength increases from the use of Animal Nitro, we didn't expect gains of nearly 13 lb. in the bench, 18 lb. in the deadlift, and nearly 22 lb. in the squat. Pretty impressive. For a seasoned powerlifter, gains like this for a one rep max could be significant, especially in a competition. Remember too that all this was after only 3 weeks of using Animal Nitro.

When we looked at weight and bodyfat percentages, no real surprises. On average, there was a weight gain of 0.78 lb. However, according to the numbers, the average Alpha Tester also saw his bodyfat percentage decrease by 0.9%. So there were some nominal lean mass gains. In our opinion, while the amount of lean mass gained was pretty negligible, what struck us was the fact that the vast majority of Alpha Testers saw increases in strength without any real change in weight.

The Athletic Edge

Personally I am all about sports supplements, and how to help others and myself become a better athlete, no matter what sport. Currently I am weighing in at 200, 6’1” and around 10% body fat. I am in better shape than I probably have ever been, and I want to share with everyone my top five products of what I think can help improve everyone’s fitness lifestyle. So, here are my top five!

Bodywell E2 Ergo Caps
E2 ErgoCaps™ is the first formula to burst the old myth that you need to take in extra calories or stimulants to increase performance. These pre-workout capsules tap into existing stored body fat, quickly and efficiently. And the results go beyond a 25% boost in physical performance and calorie burning. You’re also less sore afterward, even after the most intense workouts!

Buffer ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) to reduce muscle fatigue & boost performance

Increase GSH/Thiol supply to bypass normal stopping points in training

Protect/repair cell membranes & mitochondria to reduce muscle soreness

Get it all with ZERO stimulants and only 2 calories per pre-workout serving

Bodywell Procharge
2 ProCharge™ is the world’s first strategic protein. Much of your expensive dietary protein can be hijacked by the liver, converted to glucose. Who knew? Actually, it’s well known among exercise physiologists.

Only ProCharge is designed to largely bypass the liver, delivering more aminos directly to muscle for 30 - 45% greater growth and repair. Now a smaller protein intake can actually yield bigger protein benefits!

It’s not how much protein you eat. Like money, it’s how much you keep. Even more, it’s how much actually ends up working to assist MPS (Muscle protein Synthesis). MPS is how muscles repair and get bigger. You can take in a lot of protein, yet achieve little MPS. E2 ProCharge ’s mission is MPS on the least amount taken. Save time, money and gas.

Targeted Protein If your protein isn’t going to MPS, it almost doesn’t matter what kind it is or how much you take in. PROCHARGE is engineered to be dedicated to MPS.

Bypass the amino-destroying liver that limits other formulas. Expensive protein ends up in muscle, instead of the toilet. Take less, grow more.

Take less protein, yet trigger more MPS than pounds of old protein. Thicker muscles, thicker wallet.

Thiol-Gen™ GSH Donor Matrix Strengthens muscle cell membranes: keeps potassium, calcium, and toxic proteases from “leaking.” GSH is incredibly anti-catabolic and just recently discovered.

MTORLeucine, citrulline, cell swelling, and GSH donors combine to exert protein multiplyingeffect, amplifying the power of protein eaten. Signals the body to trigger protein/muscle synthesis to grow new muscle. (MPS)

Global Anabolic Benefits Cartilage, even bone, becomes more anabolic, forming a better foundation for performance.

Cell Swelling Osmolytes help cells become more anabolic more rapidly. Hydrated cells send anabolic signals, trigger another MTOR anabolic signal.

Bodywell Hydro
E2 HYDRO™ is the first formula designed to enhance performance during exercise, then help repair damage after. Hydro helps push back old fatigue barriers, and inhibit chemical attack after training. Training is trauma – E2 HYDRO is anti-trauma nutrition.

During workouts: HYDRO enhances performance by attacking newly discovered fatigue factors: leaky cell membranes and thiol depletion.

After workouts: HYDRO assists in damage control, reducing biomarkers of muscle damage and muting the trauma response to intense workouts. You actually feel better, even after grueling workouts.*

Curb ROS Muscle Fatigue “Soaks up” ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) free radicals that can overwhelm body’s trauma defense. Attacking ROS curbs fatigue two ways. First, protect against cell membrane leakage of calcium. Second, replenish GSH (glutathione), bypassing old fatigue stopping points.

Reduce Muscle Damage (CK) CK is a biomarker of muscle damage, directly related to training volume and intensity. Elevated CK indicates muscle damage, and often a drop in immunity. By blunting CK by 10%, muscle damage is significantly reduced.

Protect Cell Membranes, Mitochondria-even DNA! Trauma chemical byproducts like TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) weaken delicate membranes, promoting “leaking” of cells and capillaries. Strengthening membranes optimizes performance, is profoundly anti-trauma and healthy.

Superior “Osmolyte” Hydration Optimally hydrate cells & balance fluid between cells to prevent sudden shifts of water (sloshing). Protect against cell temperature fluctuations (thermoprotection). Makes even intense exercise more comfortable, especially in heat.

Protect Joints Against Chemical Attack Training trauma is catabolic to connective tissues, as well as muscle. Chondrocytes (cartilage cells) are especially sensitive to trauma-damage changes. Helps strengthen cartilage, and promote “global anabolic benefits”.

Fight Inflammation Chronic inflammation is a byproduct of trauma. CRP, a biomarker of inflammation, is often elevated in serious athletes. This helps “put out the fire” of inflammation, reducing catabolic processes. Normalized CRP and other inflammatory markers enable faster repair.

Multi Energy Multiple carbs complement each other; do not compete in stomach for transport. Each has its own molecular carrier. Together, they empty faster, easier. Think double vs single lane traffic. Makes for “smooth”, easily digested and absorbed carbs during exercise.

Sci-Fit Kre-Alkalyn 1500
SciFit’s Kre-Alkalyn 1500 features a patented Creatine in a pharmaceutical delivery system providing maximum stability and absorption. Creatine monohydrate has been proven through a decade and more of research to enhance strength, endurance, and subsequent athletic performance. The only disadvantages of traditional creatine monohydrate are the extremely short-term stability, rapid conversion into the byproduct creatinine when exposed to liquid, and subsequent poor absorption into the bloodstream.

Kre-Alkalyn 1500, which is PH buffeted for maximum absorption and stability, solves this dilemma. Kre-Alkalyn 1500, for the first time, offers the athlete creatine which is 100% stable, will not break down into creatinine, and will absorb efficiently into the bloodstream. In fact, each 1 gram of Kre-Alkalyn is equivalent to ingesting 10 grams of Creatine powder, allowing the athlete to take far less product while experiencing even more explosive results.

Optimum 100% Natural Casein
Casein is very important for both body builders and for weight loss. From the body builder’s perspective, casein supplements are vital for building massive muscle bulk, as casein is a blend of amino acids that are used to construct muscle tissues. What’s more, in Optimum’s 100% Casein Protein, the form of casein is micellar casein, which is an anti-catabolic form of this crucial protein. Anti-catabolics are very much in demand in the world of sports nutrition in general and body building in particular, as it is important to prevent catabolism if increased muscle bulk is desired (and if you’re a serious bodybuilder, massive muscles are definitely desirable – what’s the point otherwise?). Catabolism is the process by which the body turns to its own muscles as an energy source, thus reducing the benefits of any workouts that have led to increased muscle gains. It is especially important to take an anti-catabolic protein supplement after a workout (as well as other times during the daily routine), as this is when catabolism is most likely to take place. Casein has the edge over other types of protein supplament, as it is longer-lasting than other forms of protein, meaning that it releases a slow, steady supply of amino acids into the bloodstream.

For weight loss, 100% Casein Protein is a real bonus. This is because casein is a slow-release form of protein that helps prevent hunger pangs, as nutrients are constantly in the bloodstream. As casein is low in fat and sugar, this is just what you need if fast weight loss is your goal. And because casein helps you feel fuller for longer, 100% Casein Protein is ideal as a meal replacement. When used in conjunction with a program of exercise, 100% Casein Protein has added weight loss benefits: it helps you build lean muscle tissue, and lean muscles burn fat more efficiently. Optimum 100% Casein Protein is very low in carbohydrates and is low in sugar and great as a nighttime protein.

Cheap Sport Supplements

The sport season has officially begun. From freshmen in high school to college seniors on co-ed teams, it’s time to get your sport supplements. For all those on a budget and looking to get results here are three sport supplement products that will get you the results that you are looking for.

You see all the force Factor supplement banners everywhere but, why pay the $60+ dollars on hese products, when you can get almost the same product for about 75% less?

With six Star Nitric Oxide Overdrive will give the full muscle pump feeling all day long. Six Star Nitric Oxide Overdrive is a cutting-edge nitric oxide formula that´s scientifically engineered for serious bodybuilders to rapidly flood their muscles with skin-stretching hardcore pumps. Regular nitric oxide products simply can´t deliver the kind of blood engorging muscle pumps that Nitric Oxide Overdrive can. The inferior formulas in regular nitric oxide products are not engineered to spike nitric oxide levels as effectively as the advanced Nitric Oxide Overdrive formula. The secret of this revolutionary formula is its advanced rapid dispersion technology, where a precise portion of a potent nitric oxide activating ingredient is micro-sized to ensure maximum blood flow while delivering key musclebuilding nutrients to your muscles. Once inside your body, Nitric Oxide Overdrive travels at lightning speed to ignite muscle pumps like you´ve never felt before. The end results are: faster, stronger muscle pumps and dramatic muscle growth.

In fact, Nitric Oxide Overdrive is so potent, you´ll feel it going to work immediately after your very first serving. The results you´ll experience with Six Star Nitric Oxide Overdrive are so extreme that they have to be experienced to be believed.

Nitric Oxide can help produce muscle but the true muscle builder is creatine. And the best creatine on the market for bang for your buck is Kre-Alkalyn. SciFit's Kre-Alkalyn 1500 features a patented Creatine in a pharmaceutical delivery system providing maximum stability and absorption. Creatine Monohydrate has been proven through a decade and more of research to enhance strength, endurance, and subsequent athletic performance. The only disadvantages of traditional Creatine Monohydrate are the extremely short term stability, rapid conversation into the bi-product Creatinine when exposed to liquid, and subsequent poor absorption into the bloodstream. Kre-Alkalyn 1500, which is buffered for maximum absorption and stability, solves this dilemma. Kre-Alkalyn 1500 offers the athlete Creatine which is 100% stable, will not break down into Creatinine, and will absorb efficiently into the bloodstream. In fact, each 1 gram of Kre-Alkalyn is equivalent to ingesting 10 grams of Creatine powder allowing the athlete to take far less product while experiencing even more explosive results.

Lastly you need that kick in the butt pre-workout, pre-game time drink. USPLabs Jack3d is the ultimate wake up and go formula. USPLabs Jack3d may promote the mad aggressive desire to lift more weight, pump out more reps and have crazy lasting energy, along with sick muscle-engorging pumps. The amount of energy and focus is perfect, pumps and vascularity will be out of control, but most importantly you will feel great throughout your entire workout or game.

These three sport supplements combined can create a new you no matter what age. Obviously the serving size will vary with age, but at the prices you canget these products you might as well load up! This stack can work for guys and girls

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Super Pak from Beverly International (BI)

Your muscles, liver, heart, lungs, brain -the cells of every tissue in your body need vitamins and minerals -termed macronutrients- to convert the food you eat into energy that they can build with (anabolism). Particularly as we get older, sub-optimal micronutrient intake becomes more common. At any age, however, it's easy to choose the Big Mac over the broiled fish, the cupcake and coffee over the oatmeal and orange juice, the white rice over the brown, and so on. So how do you fill the resultant micronutrient gaps?

You're only human. You can't eat perfectly all the time. Filling those micronutrient gaps is the job of Super Pak, designed as it is to supply your body with super-dietary quantities of vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients -in other words, quantities that would be impossible to obtain from a single day's eating, practically speaking. Importantly, almost all of Super Pak's ingredients are delivered in compressed tablets that have been engineered to disintegrate inside your digestive tract in a sustained fashion, for up to 6 hours. This allows you to utilize a higher percentage of each absorbed micronutrient dose. Soft gelatin capsules (softgels) are used for 3 of Super Pak's ingredients for reasons related to their oil-solubility.

Each Super Pak consumer box contains 30 sealed packets and is intended to be used on a 30-day cycle. Each packet contains†:

  • 1 large, oval, yellow-orange, sustained-release tablet supplying B vitamins (up to 10,000% of DV)
  • 1 large, oval, beige, sustained-release tablet supplying 1000 mg vitamin C (1670% of DV) from ascorbic acid and rose hips
  • 1 large, oval, brown, sustained-release tablet supplying 1000 mg vitamin C (1670% of DV) from ascorbic acid and rose hips plus 725 mg bioflavonoids
  • 1 small, round, white tablet supplying selenium (114% of DV)
  • 2 large, oval, gray tablets supplying minerals (up to 500% of DV) plus vitamin D (200% of DV)
  • 1 small, round, speckled tablet supplying 5 digestive enzymes plus betaine (a methyl donor and osmolyte)
  • 1 small softgel capsule supplying vitamins A & D (200% of the Daily Value of each)
  • 1 large softgel capsule supplying vitamin E (3333% of DV)

Athletes and non-athletes alike will be happy to know that both the Super Pak tablet manufacturing and packaging labs are free of banned substances. They are also permitted by the California Department of Public Health's Food and Drug Branch -essentially the California arm of the FDA.

Animal Pak, simply the best!

Since August 8, 1983, Animal Pak has been helping competitive bodybuilders get the most out of their freakish training routines by providing all the nutrition they need, plus some they didn't know they needed. For 27 straight years, people like you have made Animal Pak the #1 selling training "pack" in the world. In fact, more competitive bodybuilders have cut their teeth on the Animal Pak than any other bodybuilding supplement in history. Why? Simple. Animal Pak gets the job done. It works. First time. Every time. Animal Pak has stood the test of time.

See, nature, in all her ingenuity, has designed the human body as the ultimate training machine. Since the dawn of mankind, our bodies have changed very little. And when it comes to growing our muscles in a freakish way, we still need the right combination and mega-doses of essential amino acids, carbs, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Only Animal Pak has everything you need.

OK, so you think your regular multi is going to cut it? Get real, Jack. You want massive size and mega-strength and only Animal Pak can deliver. Each Animal Pak starts with mega-doses of necessary vitamins and minerals. Yeah, vitamins and minerals. Vitamins (organic) and minerals (inorganic) are pharmacological agents and catalysts. They can exert significant ergogenic/anabolic benefits and function as the spark plugs for activating all the necessary chemical reactions which make training and building muscle possible.*

If you're training or dieting hard for a contest, the first thing that may happen when you don't take the Animal Pak is that nutritional gaps begin to form.* Why should you care? Because over time, these deficiencies continue to grow. Eventually, your body will stop functioning at its optimum level. In other words, you hit the wall, your development reaches a plateau. In fact, even if only one key nutrient is missing from your diet, your body could shut down the anabolic drive needed to build muscle so that it can support more critical metabolic processes. When this happens, you stop growing.

With Animal Pak, you get plenty of everything you need. And a few extras. Animal Pak features performance optimizers such as pyridoxine alpha-ketoglutarate (PAK), carnitine, lipotropics, L-arginine, alpha lipoic acid, eleuthero, and the like.* In every pack, you get a vast arsenal of over 60 key ingredients that are delivered in the right amounts at the right time, every time. Each of the 11 tablets included in each pak has been specifically formulated to deliver the goods.

Consider the Animal Pak as the cast iron skillet of your supplement program, your body's first line of defense. If you train with weights, then we feel you absolutely need to train with the Animal Pak. Remember, while most supplements have come and gone, precious few have stood the test of time. When you're ready for the best, step up to the most trusted name in serious bodybuilding nutrition: Animal Pak.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sci-Fit Kre-Alkalyn 1500

SciFit is dedicated to bringing you quality at prices you can afford. They have the most cutting edge products around!

SciFit offers quality products at excellent prices. Sci-Fit carries a wide range of excellent products including prohormones, methoxy products, thermogenics and everything in-between.

SciFit's Kre-Alkalyn 1500 features a patented Creatine in a pharmaceutical delivery system providing maximum stability and absorption. Creatine Monohydrate has been proven through a decade and more of research to enhance strength, endurance, and subsequent athletic performance. The only disadvantages of traditional Creatine Monohydrate are the extremely short term stability, rapid conversation into the bi-product Creatinine when exposed to liquid, and subsequent poor absorption into the bloodstream. Kre-Alkalyn 1500, which is buffered for maximum absorption and stability, solves this dilemma. Kre-Alkalyn 1500 offers the athlete Creatine which is 100% stable, will not break down into Creatinine, and will absorb efficiently into the bloodstream. In fact, each 1 gram of Kre-Alkalyn is equivalent to ingesting 10 grams of Creatine powder allowing the athlete to take far less product while experiencing even more explosive results.

Six Star Pump!

There's a new force driving the monstrous physiques that rule the bodybuilding world – Six Star Muscle – and it's causing all hell to break loose. This cutting-edge, scientifically advanced line of supplements is scientifically engineered to accelerate muscle growth, increase strength, burn fat, and enhance muscle performance beyond what was ever thought possible. Six Star Muscle cranks your gains into high gear, launching you into the league of the true freaks. More than 50 scientific studies prove the effectiveness of its ingredients for producing dramatic results, and that's exactly what this revolutionary line delivers.

Six Star Nitric Oxide Overdrive is a cutting-edge nitric oxide formula that´s scientifically engineered for serious bodybuilders to rapidly flood their muscles with skin-stretching hardcore pumps. Regular nitric oxide products simply can´t deliver the kind of blood engorging muscle pumps that Nitric Oxide Overdrive can. The inferior formulas in regular nitric oxide products are not engineered to spike nitric oxide levels as effectively as the advanced Nitric Oxide Overdrive formula. The secret of this revolutionary formula is its advanced rapid dispersion technology, where a precise portion of a potent nitric oxide activating ingredient is micro-sized to ensure maximum blood flow while delivering key musclebuilding nutrients to your muscles. Once inside your body, Nitric Oxide Overdrive travels at lightning speed to ignite muscle pumps like you´ve never felt before. The end results are: faster, stronger muscle pumps and dramatic muscle growth.

In fact, Nitric Oxide Overdrive is so potent, you´ll feel it going to work immediately after your very first serving. The results you´ll experience with Six Star Nitric Oxide Overdrive are so extreme that they have to be experienced to be believed.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

N'Gorge your Muscle

N’Gorge by ALR Industries will increase nutrient delivery and the volume of blood and oxygen to your muscles, while delaying the onset of fatigue. This increases muscle contractile power and prolongs the functional capacity of muscle, thereby allowing increased reps with increased resistance. You will literally N’GORGE every cell of your target muscle with nutrient-rich blood and performance-boosting fuel.

  • Dramatically increases muscle size and volume
  • Increases lean mass and strength
  • Increases power output
  • Promotes greater contractile power and muscular endurance
  • Produces mega-pumps
  • Improves glucose and nutrient uptake
  • Enhances oxygen delivery

N’GORGE consists of the following powerful compounds:

N(gamma)-Hydroxy-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester and N(omega)-Hydroxy-Nor-L-Arginine

Unique hydroxy variants of arginine that radically increase and prolong the production and level of NO2 in the body significantly without interfering with the absorption of creatine. Other forms of arginine may actually interfere with the absorption of creatine. ALR Industries has solved this potential issue with these 2 unique compounds of arginine found in N’GORGE.

Norvaline Ethyl Ester

Dramatically enhances NO2 production by inhibiting arginase, leaving more arginine available for use by NOS (nitric oxide syntheses). NOS are the enzymes that convert arginine into citrulline, thereby producing NO2 in the process.

Citrulline Malate

Citrulline Malate is the time-released precursor to Nitric Oxide. It fuels ATP production and scavenges cellular metabolic waste products. Citrulline Malate also supports increased phosphocreatine stores for faster recovery post-workout and provides cellular protection.

Creatine Di-Phosphate HCI

Creatine ethyl ester was the “Creatine King” for quite some time. To stay at the forefront of the industry, ALR Industries once again felt the need to make a necessary change by replacing creatine ethyl ester with creatine di-phosphate. Users will notice enhanced bioavailability and greater gains in size and strength as a result.

Glutamine Ethyl Ester

Glut amine in its highest, nearly 100% bio-available form will result in greater recovery, cell-volumization, GH release, protein synthesis, immune function and anti-catabolic effects.

Is Chain'd Out better than Xtend?

We all know the importance to big muscle is protein and how we shuttle it into our bodies. but what we also need to understand is that certain Amino Acids serve different purposes. ALR Industries is at it again with creating one of the best BCAA formula's on the market.

BCAA’s are the branch chain amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine. Also note that all amino acids are derived from the assimilation of proteins. BCAA’s are not only 3 of the paramount 18-22 amino acids (as in your body cannot make them and needs them to live), they alone also make up about 70% of your muscle cellular pool and cellular structure. Unfortunately, BCAAs are lost (...muscle loss) at a rapid rate during training and during calorie deficient diets. The result is less muscle and the need to replenish these muscle mainstays…or better yet, trigger an anabolic environment that fosters nutrient super-over-compensation where we need it- for accelerated muscular growth. Why else do we train?

Never being satisfied with simply good or even just excellent, ALR Industries has taken BCAAs to the ultimate level for mind-blowing eff ects. Author L. Rea decided to turn the power way up on “anabolic drive” with Chain’d Out. First, we utilized ester technology to increase oral bio availability 200-300%. Yes, this means way more bang for your buck. More importantly is that our ester-protected BCAA’s greatly avoid gluconeogenesis (break-down and conversion to glucose for regular caloric utilization) very well. I mean why would you pay for a BCAA with half to one third the oral bioavailability and risk the majority of your muscle gains? Why not simply protect yourself from catabolic muscle loss while adding more muscle instead?

ALR Industries has taken the science of adaptogens well beyond anything seen before. Chain’d Out has a rock solid foundation, which is further reinforced by boosting its overall synergy through the addition of potent anti-catabolic agents, anabolic co-factors and last but certainly not least it promotes increased mood boosting and energizing effects. Author left no stone unturned in his passion to create the most complete and highest orally bioavailable BCAA formula on the market.

Benefits of Chain’d Out:

  • Provides positive modulation of almost all neurotransmitters
  • Enhances energy, focus, mood and stamina
  • Has potent anti-catabolic and anti-cortisol effects
  • Enhances oxygenation and nutrient utilization
  • Provides positive endogenous hormone modulation, including testosterone
  • Has anti-fatigue, anti-stress and anti-oxidant effects
  • Enhances immunity and recovery
  • Supports supraphysiological protein synthesis in muscle tissue

ALRI's Cr2 a great creatine!

People have been using creatine for more than 10 years now, and it seems a lot has changed since the original creatine monohydrate. Even creatine monohydrate has come a long way. Most recently Creatine Ethyl Ester seems to be a popular choice for many; do to its high absorption and rapid results. But the down side to creatine ethyl ester is that it bloats you up and you lose a lot of weight when you cycle off. Luckily ALR Industries has created a creatine that will get you the size you are looking for and keep your gains.

ALR’s Cr2 is a creatine DiPhosphate is a new kind of creatine that offers very promising results. Many users of this product notice:

  • Intense Pumps and Vascularity
  • Greater Endurance- The use of creatine increases muscle endurance, thereby allowing you to workout more intensely for longer periods of time.
  • Increased muscle & strength- Supplementation of creatine has been shown to produce faster gains in muscle size and strength.
  • Faster Recovery- Creatine helps muscles recover quicker after workouts, thereby allowing you to workout sooner and with less muscle soreness.

Our muscles’ main source of fuel during any workout is adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP). Creatine phosphate helps re-synthesize ATP during high intensity training and the more creatine one has within their muscles, the more efficiently this process will take place. This translates into more power, more reps and more muscular endurance. In addition, creatine has an anabolic effect- carrying water into cells along with it. This can make your muscles fuller and rounder or more volumized & hydrated. Taking proper amounts of Cr2 will assist in obtaining more muscle.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How good is GAT BCAA's?

German American Technologies BCAA’s are a high potency formula that contains the essential amino acids L-Leucine, L-Valine, and L-Isoleucine. BCAA’s are some of the most important amino acids that you can consume. They help aid in muscular development as well as fat loss. BCAA’s are also rapidly absorbed, in fact BCAA’s immediately pass through the liver and are launched into the muscle tissue where the majority of the metabolism, of the amino’s, takes place. German American’s BCAA formula also contains Vitamin C and B6. These will help aid in absorption and muscle development. BCAA’s are used to help slow down, or stop, the catabolic effect on muscle tissue.

What is the catabolic effect?

When your body becomes catabolic it means that it begins to eat away muscle for energy. Many fitness advocates and weight lifters, forget about this process and over work there body while there body is in a catabolic state. Meaning all the hard work that you are doing is pointless. This is why BCAA’s are so important to anyone who is looking to improve their overall fitness or physique.

German American Technologies BCAA’s also contain Aminogen dose increased absorption. Aminogen has a high bioavailability, which has been shown to increase the amino acid levels and boost nitrogen retention. Aminogen is a patented, designer enzyme which breaks down protein and improves amino acid absorption. Aminogen is ideal for increasing lean body mass and strength while promoting deep muscle recovery.

The importance of BCAA’s to any athlete’s diet is crucial and essential. To keep your body to continually producing and building muscle you need to feed it essential amino acids like BCAA’s. Taking this upon waking, before workouts, and after workouts can aid in full muscle growth. Always have the competitive edge with American German Technologies.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I put on Muscle?

Diet is important and implementing the correct diet supplements is just as important. Supplementing makes sure that you are receiving the nutrition that you need. When supplementing you need to supplement with the right idea. For people who are dieting to put on muscle, there are a few supplements that will aid in this. Serious Mass, CellTech and Animal Pump are three simple supplements that will put on size and strength. Remember when putting on size, you need to make sure to lift heavy and eat a lot.

When trying to eat the amount of calories that are needed for putting on muscle it can be difficult. This is why optimum nutrition has made Serious Mass. Serious Mass is specifically designed to help people consume the calories and protein needed for putting on muscle. Serious Mass contains 1250 calories per serving in water and 1630 calories when made with low fat milk. It also has 50 grams of protein with a combination of faster and slower digesting sources including, whey, casein, and egg. It is enhanced with creatine, L-glutamine and glutamine peptides, choline, inositol, PABA and MCT’s. Serious Mass also had 25 vitamins and essential minerals with an emphasis on b-vitamins and antioxidants (no need for a multi).

Once you have the right amount of protein and calories in you diet it is important to load your body with creatine. Creatine can help improve strength, power, recovery time, and increases lean muscle mass. However, as good as creatine is on its own, studies suggest that it can be made to work even better. After extensive development, Team MuscleTech researchers engineered Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series - an advanced muscle building creatine formula with powerful core ingredients suggested to help build muscle faster than creatine alone. This exclusive, patent-protected formula delivers results by rapidly saturating your muscle cells with ultra-pure, highly potent creatine. Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is designed specifically for elite bodybuilders and athletes who want to pack on muscle and strength fast!

So know you have your Protein and Creatine all figured out you need to prime your body for hitting the gym, and what better product than Animal Pump. Animal is probably one of the most hardcore supplement lines on the market and each product is intended for a bodybuilder. Animal Pump will help your muscles feel fuller longer allowing an increase in your anabolic window. When taking this product you can begin to notice a significant difference of focus in the gym, allowing you to lift heavier and longer with no intention to stop. Animal Pump is loaded with ingredients to help aid in the pump, as well as antioxidant that will increase recovery time.

Don’t settle for other weight gaining supplements, rely on what others have tested and trust to help them put on size. Get the size you want without the hassle of buying fancy labels and a bunch of hype. Remember to lift heavy and rest often to help muscles grow to there full potential.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Three Tier Sport Nutrition Supplements

When looking for Sport Nutrition Supplements it can be difficult and hard to know what will work best for you. Many products have a lot of hype around them but no bite or sting to prove that it really works. Don’t settle check out the top sport nutrition supplements; beta-alanine, glutamine, and creatine.

Sci Fit's Beta-Alanine 2000 is a precise combination of the Carnosine boosting precursors Beta Alanine and L-Histidine. Beta Alanine and L-Histidine are shown to increase Carnosine within muscle tissue more effectively than ingesting Carnosine itself. High levels of Carnosine are present in skeletal muscle tissue but the amount will be limited by dietary intake. By naturally increasing the amount of Carnosine within muscle tissue, the athlete may experience explosive results.

Breakthrough findings in glutamine absorption prompt a revolutionary invention. MHP Glutamine-SR is a breakthrough in Glutamine Absorption. Time release formula ensures distribution to muscle tissue over 12 hours. The Micro-Feed Technology also increases bio-availability and utilization of L-Glutamine by providing a controlled steady supply for 12 straight hours. This supply and replenishment of Glutamine supports an anabolic muscle building state and prevents catabolism.

The Problem:

  • 60% of your muscle tissue is made up of Glutamine. Strenuous exercise depletes Glutamine stores at a faster rate than they can be replenished.
  • 70% of the regular Glutamine powder you consume is utilized by the stomach and the intestines, leaving only 30% available to feed muscle tissue.
  • Ingested Glutamine is utilized quickly, leaving you in a catabolic (muscle wasting state).

Based on these facts, the Glutamine you are taking right now may not be providing the anabolic muscle building environment needed to build rock hard muscle and improve recovery. 70% of it never reaches muscle tissue and 90% of it is gone in 1 hour, leaving you with a low dosed short supply of Glutamine. The end result is very little anabolic activity and can actually lead to catabolic muscle wasting because you're relying on your glutamine supplement to supply and replenish the glutamine needed and it just isn't delivering.

Optimum Nutrition Creatine serving supplies a full 5 grams (5000 mg) of 99.9% pure Creapure(tm) brand Creatine Monohydrate. The patented production method used to produce this Creatine yields a tasteless, odorless powder that mixes easily into water or juice and does not readily settle to the bottom. As a result, the gritty taste or texture you may have experienced with other Creatine powders is not associated with this product.

  • Beyond The Basics
  • Made with CreaPure Creatine
  • Micronized to Stay Suspended in Solution Longer
  • Unflavored
  • No Fillers or Additives
  • Wide Variety of Sizes Available
  • Supports STRENGTH & POWER

Don’t leave home without these awesome discount sport supplements!

Discount MuscleTech

Finding discount supplements on the higher quality products can be tricky. I know, what does ‘higher end products mean?’ Products like MuslceTech can be pricey, yet many people like the results that they get from them. For Example NitroTech and CellTech are all very popular items yet they can be on the pricey side. Let’s look at why people may like these products.

Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is mega-dosed with multiple anabolic agents to deliver rapid and dramatic muscle gains for bodybuilders and athletes of all levels. In fact, advanced Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is now loaded with 25 percent more protein than the previous version and delivers 11 grams of leucine and 13 grams of additional BCAAs with every maxed-out daily dose! In addition, a key ingredient in Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series features Micro-Diffuse Technology, designed to increase the dissolution of a critical anabolic agent by drastically reducing the size of the particles. Driven by the anabolic musclebuilding power of SynthePro, and featuring the state-of-the-art blends Nitroxen and Insulogen, Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series is truly a scientifically advanced musclebuilding protein formula. In fact, subjects using the core formula in Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series packed on incredibly more lean muscle than subjects using whey protein.

In order to engineer Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series, Team MuscleTech teamed up with researchers from St. Francis Xavier University and the University of Saskatchewan to conduct some of the most innovative musclebuilding research in history. Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series features Nitrogen Retention Technology, developed to drive superior nitrogen retention for faster and greater muscle gains than whey protein. The power of Nitrogen Retention Technology is illustrated by the incredible muscle gains experienced by subjects using the core formula in Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series along with a hardcore training program. Just check out the study results! In a six-week, double-blind study involving 36 test subjects with at least three years of weight-training experience, not only did subjects gain more muscle, subjects using the core formula in Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series also jacked up their bench press more than subjects using whey protein.

A core element of the musclebuilding machinery driving the Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula is derived from HPLC-certified creatine featuring Micro-Diffuse Technology. HPLC is a biochemical analytical method used in lab testing to identify components of a compound and test for purity. To force the monster-dose of ultra-potent creatine into your muscle cells where it triggers muscle growth, each serving is formulated with a precisely dosed 75 grams of laboratory-tested, HPLC-certified dextrose. A high dose of dextrose works to increase plasma glucose concentration, spike serum insulin levels and drive cellular creatine delivery and absorption. Plus, each serving of Cell-Tech™ Hardcore Pro Series includes a potent 200-mg dose of Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Creatine can help improve strength, power, recovery time and increases lean muscle mass. However, as good as creatine is on its own, studies suggest that it can be made to work even better. After extensive development, Team MuscleTech researchers engineered Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series - an advanced musclebuilding creatine formula with powerful core ingredients suggested to help build muscle faster than creatine alone. This exclusive, patent-protected formula delivers results by rapidly saturating your muscle cells with ultra-pure, highly potent creatine. Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is designed specifically for elite bodybuilders and athletes who want to pack on muscle and strength fast!

You can find these discount supplements at SupplementsToGo.com, along with many other products at a discounted rate.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Spots Supplements

As the school year starts and the summer months of training is coming to an end you begin you actually sports season. Whether this is football, volleyball, cross country, or whatever else your school is hosting you need to keep your body in the best physical shape as possible. After all the hard training that you put in during the summer you don’t want to lose it from fatigue. BSN supplements can help you maintain and/or increase your performance. All of BSN products are safe for male and females (except Axis HT) over the age of 18.

Before workouts Nitrix is the best product for High school/ college athletes. A lot of people like using stimulants like caffeine to fuel their workouts but many of these products lead to a crash, and can affect the way you perform later on. Nitrix will increase the amount of oxygen into red blood cells, which allowing you to perform longer and harder without fatigue. The way it does this is by the ACE3 Matrix in every bottle. This Matrix consists of Arginine AKG, Arginine Ethyl Ester, and L-Citrulline. Arginine is known to help transport oxygen into blood cells thus causing a muscle pump effect. Cutrulline will allow your body to sustain this pump without having to continually put more arginine in your body. When taking this product you will also notice an increase in muscle recovery! Taking one serving in the morning and one serving before intense exercise or practice will allow you to come back better and stronger every day.

Yes Nitrix can help with recovery but there is more to it than just feeding your body higher intakes of oxygen, you also need to recognize your glycogen depletion. Glycogen is what keeps your body going, if you deplete your glycogen your glycogen while working out your body begins to fuel off of your muscles for energy and all that hard work that you put in during the summer is gone. When taking Volumaize before workouts will fuel your body with glycogen, giving your body what it needs to power through workouts and practice. Taking it after will give fill your muscle with carbs and calories along with amino acids to help repair the muscle breakdown, allowing your body to repair faster and possibly grow more muscle, depending on the intensity of the workout/ practice.

Whether you are a guy in football or a girl in cross country remember these two products. They can help you achieve your goals and set new personal records. Don’t throw away all your hard summer training, by not feeding your body what it needs.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

HGH for Growth

When looking to build muscles there are different types of Growth hormones to look at, but which one is the best one for you? Olympian Labs, Goliath Labs, and Universal nutrition all have there own growth hormone formula, but which one fits you best?

NuSoma made by Olympian labs is a good fit for the older male looking to feel young again. Olympian is known for quality, they also make products for pharmacies. Olympian Labs is consistently bringing you the highest quality products. NuSoma stays true to that commitment. OL manufactures its products in a state-of-the-art facility that ensures optimal quality control at every level. OL provides the health and nutritional market with a full spectrum of premium supplements, exceptional customer service and proactive educational programs.

Goliath Labs Recycloid is a dropper form of HGH. Goliath labs is more known for there testosterone products, this dropper bottle formula is meant for anyone over the age of 30, who is looking to put on some muscle. For those of you that work hard, play hard, and especially train hard the need for restful sleep each night is essential. For it is during sleep that all body processes slow down so that an intense and necessary period of repair and recovery take place. Pretty much everything we do and experience during the day readily tears down our muscles, joint, nervous system and mind in some way. Thus, without proper sleep we will not only perform at sub optimal levels the following that, but we will also be solely setting the stage for illness and injury.

Goliath lab’s scientific team created Recycloid so that bodybuilders, athletes, and hard working individuals cannot only get the type of deep sleep needed for muscle growth, functional repair and mental rejuvenation, but also to supply specialized nutrients and compounds that will optimize all of the body’s restorative processes. The carefully balanced matrix found in recycloid will aid in falling and remaining asleep. The release of increased amounts of GH and testosterone, and also the repair and growth of new musclemass through enhanced protein synthesis. So if it is truly important to you to maximize your results in the gym, on the field, or in the workplace the Recycloid should be in your supplement cabinet!

Universal GH stack is a great stack for anyone form the age of 30 to the age 100. GH stack comes from a name you can trust in, Universal Nutrition. The GH Stack is a unique, ‘Secretagogie’ formula, which can work with your body to produce optimum levels of human growth hormone. GH Stack can help signal your pituitary gland to release more hGH through it unique formulation of L-Dops, 5-HTP, and Somatopro A, a metabolic precursor to dopamine. Available only by prescription in many countries, athletes have used L-Dopa to stimulate endogenous hGH production in the body. Unlike amino acid secretagogues, L-Dopa can enhance hGH release through an entirely different mechanism. In this way, L-Dopa can work alongside Somatopro A support overall effects. The proprietary ingredients found in GH Stack are absorbed rapidly and assimilated efficiently. The secretatgogues are released gradually, for sustained GH release. This effectively doubles your does of GH-enhancing nutrients found in GH stack.

Well with all thes choices it might be difficult to know what you want but luckily you have time to try them all out and see what works best for you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monster Protein

Monster Milk is a powerful, yet easily digestible protein. Although it tastes like an ultra-rich milk shake, Monster Milk’s advanced protein system makes it the ultimate nutritional tool for building monster muscle size. Monster Milk delivers the biggest blast of fast and slow twitch proteins. Rapid-releasing anabolic whey, glutamine peptides and free form BCAA’s are complemented by slower, anti-catabolic caseins and other complete milk protein isolates. This powerful combination of fast and slow protein creates and ‘anabolic window’ that lasts for hours. Muscle Milks Strategic uses of Aminogen my help smooth the digestive process. Also, being zero lactose will make the world of difference. Monster Milk helps create positive nitrogen balance, the gold standard of anabolic potential. Monster Milk provides high levels of essential amino acids to bathe muscle fibers in an ‘anabolic soup’ to stimulate protein synthesis and muscle growth.

  1. 50 grams multi-source protein matrix: completeness and balance to extreme! Featuring isolated milk, whey protein, caseinates, lactoferin, l-glutamine, glutamine peptides and free form bcaa’s.
  2. 50 grams of digestible protein: 500mg of aminogen ensures the breakdown of proteins into absorbable peptides.
  3. multi-source fiber complex: digestive resistant maltodetrin are an excellent source of dietary fibers.
  4. Multi-Monster source creatine: Kre-Alkalyn and creatine GCC delivers monster results.
  5. LeaLipids Plus: Calorically dense sunflower and/or safflower oil, medium chain triglycerides, canola oil and conjugated linolenic acid are excellent sources of energy for muscle growth.

Monster Milk is a creative name but remember there is more to the name than a few letters. A Monster is what you will be come, don’t allow your body to become catabolic, stay anabolic. Become a MONSTER!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

20lbs of Muscle Stack

When looking to put on muscle everyone knows that you have to stack. Sure people will tell you eat right, get your sleep, and workout; but if the guy who is telling you this has 20inch arms and is ripped he’s on something! We all want to claim that were natural or legit, but in actuality we are all enhancing our composition one way or another, don’t be fooled.

So let’s discuss probably the best bulking stack on the market at this time. This stack is meant for the experienced lifter someone starting out can harm themselves. It’s a combination of Halodrol, Methylzine, and Propadrol. This muscle stack will put on about 12 to 15lbs of solid muscle if doen correctly. This isn’t muscle you put on and lose afterwards, this is muscle that will stay. Make sure to get a good PCT afterwards to help maintain the gains.

Halodrol also known as H-Drol is good for bulking and defining. This cycle is meant for those wanting to bulk so make sure to load up on calories, carbs and protein. Halodrol alone has been able to put on a good 10lbs on people. This pro-hormone has a low toxic level so you won’t feel shut down after taking it.

Methylzine is a newer product that really focuses in on building dry muscle. Staking this with H-drol will allow you to notice significant rock hard muscle within 2 weeks. This will also help with the strength gains. Don’t be surprised if you max’s jump 20lbs.

The final ingredient to this combo is Propadrol. Propadrol is an anti-aromatase and it will help you with the lean look you are wanting as well as no female type of results afterwards. This will allows little to no water retention during your bulking, which means the size you put on is muscle not water retention. There is no toxicity to this product so it might be good to continue this after your cycle with your PCT, if needed.

You can be the guy in the gym with 21inch arms saying yeah I’m natural, just eat, sleep, and workout or you can share this all you buddies and help them attain there goals. Whatever you decide lift heavy, eat right and keep on truck’n; whatever that’s supposed to mean?