If you are looking to put on muscle without using steroids you need to use ingredients that will help give steroid like effects. What are steroid type effects? High protein synthesis, increase in testosterone, and increase in strength.
To increase protein synthesis ecdysterone has been studied to help. Ecdysterone is a powerful compound to say the least and based on the research, it can definitely help you maximize your genetic potential. Best of all, it's proven safe and effective for men and women! In fact, ecdysterone may just be the next herbal extract to create a revolution in the health, fitness, and bodybuilding world.
SciFit's Ecdysterone 300 Provides an impressive 300mg per single capsule of the powerful herbal extract. Research suggests that with a high protein diet, Ecdysterone will produce a highly anabolic environment in the body resulting in numerous performance enhancing benefits.
To increase Testosterone Naturally many athletes have turned to using ZMA. ZMA Makes you 2 1/2 times stronger than a placebo! Sci Fit ZMA is the only non-steroidal,all natural dietary supplement (Patent Pending) clinically proven to increase free Testosterone levels and increase strength in athletes engaged in resistance training.
ZMA, in an eight week double blind, placebo controlled study with NCAA college football players was found to increase total plasma Testosterone levels by 32.4%,increase free testosterone levels by 33.5%,increase Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1) by 3.6%, and increase muscle strength by 11.6%. The compelling aspect of the findings is that while the Testosterone levels and IGF-1 levels increased for the individuals taking the ZMA nightly,the Testosterone levels and IGF-1 levels dropped dramatically for the individuals not taking the ZMA.
The benefits found through supplementing with ZMA may prove to be extraordinary. The goal of every athlete is to remain in an "anabolic state" for as great a period of time as possible. Through naturally and safely increasing our Testosterone levels and IGF-1 levels,we will have much greater opportunity to accomplish this goal which will lead to enhanced muscle tissue growth and recovery.
SciFit uses only ZMA from Inter Health Nutraceuticals and is available in a 90 capsule and an economy 180 capsule size. To maximize the recovery process your body undergoes while you sleep,we recommend you take Recovery P.M. along with the ZMA.
SciFit's Recovery Stack is a state-of-the-art formulation of specific ratios of amino acids with added Vitamin C and Phosphatidylserine designed to promote lean tissue preservation while maintaining healthy, normal cortisol levels. Cortisol is the primary catabolic hormone released in the body during and following physical trauma and stress. Suppressing cortisol secretion during exercise may support muscle tissue preservation.
This stack is a safe and effective way to build muscle mass without worrying about any negative side effects. Get the size you are wanting, with the appropriate supplementation. Keep pushing yourself to the limit.
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