Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Muscle Building Sci-Fit

There are many things that help in building muscle. When building muscle you need to boost testosterone levels, increase protein synthesis, and suppress estrogen.

Sci-Fit's multi-action 3-Test Stack has been formulated with only pharmaceutical grade ingredients via a DHB enhanced delivery system for exceptional absorption. 3-Test Stack enhanced with Eurycoma, is designed to assist the body in supporting healthy testosterone levels as well as to decrease levels of "bound" testosterone. Tribulus Terrestris is a natural testerone enhancer perfect for giving you the test boost your looking for without the side effects. And ZMA, studies show that anabolic hormone and muscle strength increases can be induced in already strength-trained athletes by using this novel zinc-magnesium preparation.

Sci Fit's Methoxy 500 EX is a non-hormonal anabolic / anti-catabolic agent. This powerful flavone has shown to increase protein synthesis, and improve overall recovery from exercise. 5-Methoxy-7-Methoxy-Isoflavone, the official chemical name, is an all natural ingredient that was brought to light by a Hungarian company decades ago. It wasn't until 1997 when this ingredient was made available on the free market due to the expiration of their patent. Dozens of studies uncovered a literal gold mine of performance improving benefits.

  • Methoxy 500 Ex Benefits
  • Increased nitrogen retention.
  • Increased VO2 max (more endurance)
  • Increased strength.
  • Un-matched dose of 500mg per capsule!

SCI-FIT's new and improved ES3 takes a 3 pronged approach to combating increased levels of estrogen. ES3 is formulated with specific nutrients to:

  • Enhance the metabolism/decrease the amount of "bad" estrogens (16-hydroxyestrogen)
  • Inhibit the amount and action of the aromatase enzyme
  • Reduce the effectiveness of select estrogen receptor sites

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