Friday, July 30, 2010

Top 3 Pre Workout Drinks

Everyone knows that having pre workout drinks is crucial to any person’s workout. But it can be difficult knowing which is best for you. Here are the top three selling pre workout drinks.

USPLabs Jack3d gives you the mad aggressive desire and ability to lift more weight, pump out more reps and have crazy lasting energy, along with sick muscle-engorging pumps. The amount of energy and focus is perfect, pumps and vascularity will be out of control, but most importantly you will feel great throughout your entire workout. No crash, no bloat, no blow workouts.

In the pre-workout category, SuperPump250 is the reigning king of dramatic effects. Athletes who try SuperPump virtually never go back to any other pre-workout supplement, and its' effects are so profound that the thought of training without it is simply out of the question for most users. Consider all this with the additional effects of explosive energy and acute mental focus, and you're left with seemingly very little to consider.

From the very first serving you will experience elevated physical and mental energy, muscle-expanding pumps, unparalleled strength and stamina; not to mention tunnel-vision like mental focus, allowing you to zone in and have the best training session possible. By combining all of these benefits in one knock-out formula, you will experience a level of training intensity that you never thought was imaginable, getting you physically and mentally dialed in for the training session that lies before you; leaving those days of lackluster workouts behind. Once you train with N.O.-XPLODE, you will never train without it!

What are you waiting for! Go get your pump on, and never have a bad work out again.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Muscle Pumps and your DNA?

VPX sports supplements NO-Shotgun MHF-1 is the first muscle building supplement of its kind to use a superior synergistic blend of effective compounds combined with a cutting-edge pharmaceutical delivery system that yields mind blowing, skin bursting effects, while additionally enhancing recovery and protein synthesis. Compounds such as Creatine (CEX), Arginine (AEX), Glutamine (GEX), Beta-Alanine (BAEX) and Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAEX) that are each combined with Ethyl Ester (EX) technology to insure maximum absorption and uptake! The Ethyl Ester Compounds used in NO-Shotgun help these potent muscle building ingredients enter the bloodstream nearly 100% intact, as opposed to the same ingredients without EX technology that might only be absorbed at 15% to 40%. This highly advanced EX technology shuttles these NO-Shotgun compounds across the muscle cell membrane where they can cause explosive muscle growth! VPX highly recommends stacking pre-workout NO-Shotgun with post-workout NO-Synthesize.

  • Contains REDLINE & MELTDOWN’S powerful fat burning and energy technology for mind blowing intensity!
  • GBB and MTB Pump (Magnesium Tanshinoate B) for Nitric Oxide induced skin splitting pumps.
  • 40,000 milligrams of anabolic PROTEIN FRACTIONS in just one serving! No cheap dextrose or waxy maize fillers.
  • With BCAA’s & Fractionated Protein Peptides for maximal muscle protein synthesis and nitrogen retention - to important markers of muscle growth!
  • Fueled by Research proven PeptoPro and BPOV for maximum insulin secretion and insulin receptor site sensitivity. Insulin is the most anabolic of all hormones! No carbs, waxy maize starch or sugars needed.
  • With COP™ (Creatinol-O-Phosphate) to enhance anaerobic glycolysis and CPT (di-Na Creatine PhosphateTetrahydrate) -- two designer creatines proven in VPX labs to be resistant to conversion to creatinine. This eliminates bloating and allows transport of intact COP and CPT into muscle tissue!
  • Beta-Alanine is a hyper-performance ingredient used to increase whole body creatine retention to crank out more sets and more muscle-blasting reps for increased lean mass!
  • Satellite Cell Activators for maximal new Muscle Cell Division Hyperplasia! This means larger existing muscle fibers and splitting of these fibers to create totally new muscle.
  • Arnold himself referred to “The Pump” as something “Better Then Sex!” It is “The Pump” that signals us hard training athletes lifting for size and definition that we are maximizing our efforts in the gym.
  • NO-Shotgun® fuels episodes of physical intensity to induce insane muscle pumps that can lead to muscle growth. The biochemical and physiological response to NO-Shotgun® when combined with intense resistance training causes extra trauma to occur to trained muscle. Greater resistance to muscle results in significantly increased internal pressure (the pump)…And as you know, the better the pump the greater the trauma caused to muscle-tissue. The end result: increased ability to build larger muscle!
  • NO-Shotgun® is the most advanced product of its kind…Bar none! VPX is so confident in the effectiveness of NO-SHOTGUN® that we have a $100,000 offer on the table to ANY supplement company that can conclusively prove – in a double-blind University Study – that their product is better at producing lean muscle, generating greater ATP production for more explosive workouts and initiating NO induced, blood engorged pumps.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hard Dense Muscle

When getting the thick lean muscle look you must load your muscle with the protein that it needs. This is where Beverly International Density comes in handy. Density allows anabolic Efficiency (AE) refers to the ability of a nutritional supplement to stimulate protein synthesis per gram that is ingested. This is a lab tested and pharmaceutical grade; this has been confirmed by independent laboratory testing. Other products the market have been tested and found to contain animal grade amino acids. Animal grade is the lowest grade amino on the market, meaning its crap for the human looking to get serious about there workouts. Along with a pure amino acids formula you can also find that it offers a pure form of L-tryptophan, the reason why this is so important is because tryptophan offers more fat burning and muscle hardening effects. Density also offers no delivery time! This means that once you take it, it will start getting into muscle right away, unlike your whey protein and other protein drinks you can get what your muscles need right away. Don’t starve your muscles of what they need, start taking Density now and be thankful later.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Best Creatine Supplement

The best creatine supplement on the market currently isn’t advertised as a creatine drink but as a pre-workout. NO Xplode has been the best of the best for pre-workouts for 5 years now and they continue to impress. The NO Xplode formula has four different types of creatine to help men and women push past there goals and get the look they desire. Let’s take a look into these four types of creatine.

• Sodium Creatine Phosphate Matrix: A sodium salt of creatine phosphate, which enhances water solubility. Once inside the bloodstream, a sodium chloride dependant transporter is responsible for carrying the creatine to the muscles cells. So by combining creatine with sodium, the uptake and absorption of creatine is greatly enhanced.

• Creatine Ethyl Ester-Beta-Alanine Dual Action Composite (CarnoSyn): BSN´s newest proprietary blend, designed to increase water and lipid solubility of creatine. Not only has BSN increased water and lipophilicity, hydrogen ion buffering has also been addressed with the addition of Beta-Alanine. Recent research indictates that the burning sensation of muscular fatigue may not be simply lactic acid accumulation, but also a proliferation of hydrogen ions; a metabolic by-product. Beta-Alanine supplementation increases the production of carnosine, a dipeptide known to buffer lactic acid accumulation and neutralize hydrogen ions.

• Creatinol-O-Phosphate-Malic Acid Interfusion: A creatine analog known for its role in supporting cardiovascular function, increasing oxygen availability, endurance, work capacity and time to exhaustion. ATP is our bodys energy, the energy to have a muscular contraction and the energy to repair muscle tissue. Creatine helps to carry phosphates, which it donates to ADP, adenosine diphosphate, to make more ATP, adenosine triphosphate, thus more energy. This process if further enhanced by Malic Acid, a Krebs Cycle intermidate, involved in the production of ATP. This interfusion functions synergystically with creatine to create more available ATP for explosive energy.

• Creatine AAB (Creatine Alpha-Amino-N-Butyrate): The final creatine analog in AVPT. Unlike the other creatine analogs of the matrix, Creatine Alpha-Amino-N-Butyrate posseses anti-catabolic effects also. Leucine, the branched chain amino acid, is metabolized to ketoisocaproate, which is then metabolized to alpha amino-n-butyrate; this metabolite increases protein synthesis and minimizes protein damage from intense training. Not only is creatine absoprtion and effectiveness increased by this bond, but an element of anabolism and anti-catabolism is obtained.

• Di-Creatine Malate: Malic Acid is chemically bonded to two molecules of creatine to form DiCreatine Malate. The Malate bond is intended to improve creatine’s water solubility, absorption, and ATP-supporting actions. Improved absorption translates to a lower risk for gastrointestinal complaints (bloating, cramping, etc.).

Now that you know why NO Xplode is the top seller creatine don’t waste and get your hands on it! This tuff works the first time to the last!

Top Rated Creatine

Where does creatine come from? Our bodies naturally make the compound, which is used to supply energy to our muscles. It is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and is transported to the body's muscles through the bloodstream. Once it reaches the muscles, it is converted into phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate). This metabolite is used to regenerate the muscles' ultimate energy source, ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Here is a list of the Top Rated Creatine

Creatine is 100% natural and occurs naturally in many foods; therefore, it can never be banned from any sports or international competitions (unless they banned eating meat). Many foods especially herring, salmon, tuna, and beef contain some creatine.

Micronized Creatine

Micronized creatine sets a new standard for creatine monohydrate supplementation by actually producing creatine micro-particles that are 20 times smaller than regular creatine powder. Micronizing creatine produces a more pure creatine. By increasing the total processing steps and purification procedures, Micronized creatine yields a finished product substantially more pure. Micronized creatine has 20 times more surface area. Greater service area means easier, faster and more complete mixing. Micronized creatine offers 2000% more particle surface area for better utilization, better uptake, and faster results.


How is Creatine-AKG formed? Alpha Ketoglutarate (AKG) combines with ammonia generated by intense muscle activity to create glutamine, an amino acid important for energy fuel and muscle recovery. AKG helps increase workout performance helping you archive the results you want from training.

C-AKG is an innovative formula that combines these two popular ingredients to give you the next generation of creatine supplements. It has an advantage over regular creatine because AKG is a Krebs cycle intermediate meaning it can easily enter muscle cells and it rides along with creatine directly into targeted muscle cells.

C-AKG is perfect for bodybuilders and power lifters, or any athlete looking to make gains in muscular size and strength. The Krebs cycle is a complex series of chemical reactions that produces a compound rich in energy (ATP) that provides the energy required for synthesis of proteins from amino acids.

Creatine Ethyl Ester

Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL (CEE) is creatine monohydrate with an ester attached. Esters are organic compounds that are formed by esterification - the reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohols. Creatine monohydrate utilizes lipids to permeate the cell wall and enter the cell. Because of this, the esterification of creatine, and the presence of esters in animal fat tissue, becomes significant. Creatine monohydrate is semi-lipopholic. This means that it inefficiently uses fat as a transport mechanism. The esterification of substances will increase their lipopholic abilities, and thus esterified creatine will use fat more efficiently to permeate the cell wall and exert its effects upon cellular function than its unesterified creatine monohydrate counterpart. This means, simply, that not only will dosage requirements be lower, but the absorption of esterified creatine will be increased and the infamous "creatine bloat" will be eliminated!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Muscle Supplements

Muscle Supplements is anything that will help your muscle’s grow. Sooo this could be just about anything but in this article we are going to focus on the key ingredients for muscle growth. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA), Beta-Alanine, and Arginine are the key ingredients to Muscle Supplements. These are additions to the diet, protein shakes and pre-workouts that you are already taking. These alone can help build muscle but with proper diet and nutrition, you will get better results.

BCAA, taking this before and after workout will lead to a faster recovery. When your muscles recover faster you body will be able to grow. When looking to find the right amout of bcaa’s you want to get something that offers a 2:1 ratio. EX: Leucine 2000mg, IsoLeucine 1000mg, and Valine 1000mg; this has been shown to help improve recovery tremendously. You can also take this product with your protein to help protein synthesis of other amino acids.

Beta-Alanine produces carnosine, which is what your muscle use as fuel along with ATP. When taking Beta-Alanine people will notice a quicker recovery time in between sets and will be able to rep out more weight. This happens because your body has the right fuel to keep producing energy during workouts. Taking a 500mg before and 1000mg during will help will the production of muscle. Cycling this with creatine has been proven to help people get stronger faster.

Arginine is the amino acid that has come on the supplement scene strong and has been debated for its results. But I recommend this product for a nighttime ingredient. Arginine is known for the pump but what many people don’t know is that some studies have proven its IGF ability. IGF is a growth hormone, when taking arginine before bed time can help increase your growth hormone production. You can also add this to your pre-workout drink to help increase the pump. Add about 1.5g to your pre-workout drink and drink 1.5g before bed to get the muscle you want.

There are a lot of Muscle Supplemts out on the market but don’t miss the effects of these three amazing products. If you are looking for a more rapid recovery, more muscle definition, and a better over all pump, get BCAA’s, Beta-Alanine, Arginine.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Natural Testosterone

Building muscle on a budget can be hard. As you get older life begins to ad up and it can be difficult to stay on top of your workouts. Many men tend to resort to testosterone replacement, but this can be costly and harmful to the body. Luckily there is a safe and effective way for the active middle age male to boost testosterone without having to pull to much out of pocket and keeping you safe.


There is a large body of scientific evidence supportive of ZMA. Zinc and Magnesium are commonly depleted from your body. Studies suggest that supplementing with 30mg of Zinc and 450mg of Magnesium per day can elevate testosterone levels.*

The most talked about study is the following. Lorrie Brilla, PhD, a sports performance researcher at Western Washington University, recently reported that ZMA significantly increase free testosterone levels and muscle strength in NCAA football players. These ZMA study results were presented by Dr. Brilla on June 2, 1999, at the 46th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Seattle, WA, and were published in the official ACSM journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 31, No. 5, May 1999.

Specifically, Brilla reported that "a group of competitive NCAA football players who took ZMA nightly during an eight-week spring training program had 2.5 times greater muscle strength gains than a placebo group. (250% better results!) Pre and post leg strength measurements were made using a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer." The strength of the ZMA group increased by 11.6% compared to only a 4.6% increase in the placebo group.

Brilla further explained, "The muscle strength increases may have been mediated by the anabolic hormone increases in the ZMA group. The ZMA group had 30% increases in free and total testosterone levels compared to 10 percent decreases in the placebo group... The ZMA group also had a slight increase in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels compared to a 20 percent decrease in the placebo group. This study shows that anabolic hormone and muscle strength increases can be induced in already strength-trained athletes by using a novel zinc-magnesium preparation."

Many other studies have shown the same results! No wonder bodybuilders around the world are seeing better gains than ever before. No question about it, ZMA has the scientific research and real-world anecdotal evidence to launch it to a level previously held only by creatine. And the NFL has taken notice!

Another benefit is better sleep. ZMA should be taken 30 - 60 minutes before bed. Most people notice they can fall asleep deeper and then sleep more deeply. Don't be surprised if you start having very vivid dreams while taking ZMA!

Dopa Mucuna

Mucuna contains l dopa, a precursor to dopamine, which makes it an excellent choice if you're looking to increase your dopa levels.

Why would I want to boost dopamine?

  • Increased sex drive
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Elevated mood
  • Increased motivation
  • Increased testosterone and sperm count

What are Mucuna Pruriens?

They come from Velvet Bean, a plant that grows in the tropical regions of Africa and India. Inside the pods of these plants, small seeds or beans grow. These seeds are called Mucuna beans. A gram of these beans contains about 40 mg of l-dopa.

Long Jack

Longjack is believed to stimulate the production of endogenous testosterone and to reduce the levels of bound and metabolically inactive testosterone in the body. It is believed to achieve this feat through the Leutinizing Hormone (LH) pathway. Consequently, users of Longjack commonly report an association between Longjack administration and increased feelings of well-being, improved mental focus, and improved immune system function and reductions in body-fat.

  • Dramatic boost in libido
  • Increased semen volume
  • Increased energy
  • More intense orgasms
  • Increased self confidence
  • Stronger erections

Because Tongkat stimulates the leydig cells of the testicles to produce more testosterone, many men report an increase in testicle size and weight.

Most men also experience an increase in ejaculation volume as well.

By combining these or taking them separately you will begin to feel a more youthful you in no time. When you raise testosterone levels your body will feel younger and your body will thank you! By choosing the safe way to boost your testosterone you don’t have worry about any health concerns latter in life. Do some more research and see why these three products will help you!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food Supplements for the Natural Bodybuilder

When you are a bodybuilder you know that the diet is important. Having a balance of veggies, fruit, bread, and meat will help create the overall physique that you want. But when trying to consume all of this it can be difficult and very filling. There are three products that can help you get the nutrition of your veggies and fruits, protein, and the carbs.

To get all the veggies and fruits that you need to help your body to build, you need to be eating around 4 to 5 fruits a day along with 3 to 5 veggies. This can be overwhelming and not all that tasty. But for a tasty alternative you should take a look into Greens Protein by Olympian Labs. Loaded with a natural source of BCAA’s, Detoxifying agents, and absorbing agents, your body will be able to ad on the lean mass that you are striving so hard to get. With this protein you will be able to absorb more of the nutrition from other foods along with shedding the fat and building the muscle.

To get the protein you need you need to make sure that you find something that has a high protein source along with a low fat count. Olympian Lab’s Beef Protein isolate concentrates the normal 26% protein content found in ground beef to an incredible 98% protein; the highest on the market! That means higher protein content per serving to support your workouts. This process also virtually eliminates the fat content which can easily exceed 20% in raw beef. Even better, the biological value, BV, of Beef Protein is an incredible 90%. The BV is an accurate indicator of the biological activity of a protein. It measures the actual amount of protein deposited per gram of protein absorbed. High biological value proteins are a better choice for increased nitrogen retention, enhanced immunity and IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor) stimulation. They are superior for reducing lean tissue loss from various wasting states in comparison to proteins with a lower BV score.

Gaining weight in a safe, healthy way can be a brutal task. The outdated tactic of simply eating everything in sight may help you pack on pounds, but it will also increase your body fat percentage. NOW Carbo Gain is a state of the art 100% carbohydrate formula that uses maltodextrin - an easily digested form of corn starch that contains glucose polymers. These linked sugar compounds metabolize slowly within the body to ensure sustained energy during workout and high-endurance training, delivering the maximum nutritional value from every carb you consume.

To be a Natural bodybuilder, you need to gain weight the healthiest way possible. Using these three products you will be able to substitute some of your diet to where you can save money and the stomach problems.

Monday, July 12, 2010

BCAA's Monster!!!

Putting on size or cutting fat you need to understand the importance in supplementing with Branched Chain amino Acids and Waxy Maize. MONSTER AMINO by cytosport has combined 5grm of BCAA’s and Waxy Maize to help increase recovery, and build muscle quicker than ever.


Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body. You must get them from complete protein foods or combinations of incomplete vegetable foods. There are 9 essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. Your body can make non-essential amino acids by itself from vitamins and other amino acids.

The term "non-essential" can be misleading since all amino acids are essential for proper metabolism and certain non-essential amino acids, such as glutamine, become very essential. The 13 non-essential amino acids are alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, serine, & tyrosine.

The essential branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) are of special importance for athletes because they are metabolized in the muscle, rather than in the liver. Here's how this works: After digestion once protein is broken down into individual amino acids these aminos can either be used to build new proteins or be burned as fuel to produce energy.

Waxy Maize

Waxy Maize can help the absorption rates of many of your favorite supplements like creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, cell volumization and nitric oxide type supplements, etc. Nutrients like this often times are left in the stomachs harsh acidic environment and degrade absorption rates. Waxy Maizehelps shuttle these nutrients to bypass the stomach and allow the body to assimilate these nutrients at a much higher rate.

Waxy Maize has the ability to replenish the body's glycogen stores much faster than a mix of maltodextrin or dextrose. This is accomplished again by Waxy Maize's ability to bypass the stomach and go to the intestines for immediate absorption. Waxy Maize's ability to shuttle all these nutrients and starch gives the body an immediate "pump" you can physically feel in your muscles post workout. You will see a much larger, fuller and rounder muscle belly.

MONSTER AMINO is an anabolic muscle fueling cocktail loaded with 5 grams of highly absorbable Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) and MONSTER MAIZE™ carbohydrates (waxy maize starch & maltodextrin). MONSTER AMINO helps to protect lean muscle tissue and fuels muscle protein synthesis post-workout. The micronized BCAA's found in MONSTER AMINO (L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Valine) are metabolized directly in muscle tissue and promote muscle protein synthesis, speed recovery, increase nitrogen retention, and help prevent muscle tissue breakdown and fatigue. MONSTER AMINO uses only mirconized amino acids that have been broken down from large molecules into smaller particles that are easier to absorb and deliver fast fuel for optimal recovery.

Big Muscle: Scientifically Proven

Big Muscle: Scientifically Proven: "Want to have great muscle pumps!? Tired of wasting money on over hyped products that just give you stomach aches? Make your own formula that..."

Scientifically Proven

Want to have great muscle pumps!? Tired of wasting money on over hyped products that just give you stomach aches? Make your own formula that works for the same price or cheaper. Bet-Alanin, Creatine, and GPLC, taken twice daily can lead to better, fuller muscle pumps along with allowing your body to push out more reps.

Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that has been shown in research to increase muscular Carnosine concentrations. Carnosine is contained in both slow and fast twitch muscles fibers and is responsible for buffering the pH levels in your body. By promoting high intra-muscular Carnosine concentrations, Beta-Alanine acts as a precursor to Nitric Oxide (NO) production and works to reduce intra-muscular acidification created by intense exercise and heavy training. In simple terms this means that Beta-Alanine helps to buffer the pH levels in your muscles, preventing the acidity that occurs during exercise. A decrease in the pH balance or increase in muscular acidity leads to that muscle burn youll experience which often prevents gains. Beta-Alanine provides the stimulus to push through this.

Creatine is bodybuilding´s ultimate supplement, and for good reason. For one thing, creatine can significantly increase lean muscle mass. It is also responsible for improving performance in high-intensity exercise, increasing energy levels, and speeding up recovery rates. It´s no wonder athletes who use it have such of an edge over those who do not. Soon nearly every athlete who competes will use it (if they don´t already). Creatine´s ability to enhance energy reserves in muscles comes from its muscle protein synthesizing action, while minimizing protein breakdown. This occurs because creatine has the awesome effect of super-hydrating muscle cells with water. It enhances muscle growth too-making muscle fibers bigger and stronger.

Quite a few studies have been done on creatine to figure out why and how it works so well. There have been over twenty double blind (meaning neither the researchers nor the subjects knew who was getting what), placebo-controlled studies conducted on creatine in the past five years. They proved that creatine increased energy levels, resulting in increased strength, endurance levels, and recovery rates. Another unexpected benefit attributed to creatine was discovered as well: creatine accelerates fat loss, while building lean body mass!

GPLC is a propionyl ester of carnitine (PLC) that includes an additional glycine component. Compared with other forms of carnitine, PLC exhibits a special affinity for muscle tissues, such as the heart. GPLC is a propionyl ester of carnitine (PLC) that includes a glycine component. Compared with other forms of carnitine, PLC exhibits a special affinity for muscle tissues, including those of the heart and skeletal muscles. GPLC is a powerful scavenger against superoxide radicals and it protects against lipid peroxidation. It assists energy production by facilitating the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria and, likewise, the removal of waste substances. GPLC contributes to muscle function by compensating for reduced oxygen availability during exercise and it provides powerful support for peripheral arterial blood flow. Under reduced oxygen conditions, GPLC also promotes proper carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the buildup of lactic acid.

By taking this in the morning and before workouts you will notice in three to four weeks a more leaner, vascular body. If you like to have some energy before workouts you can drink a red bull or your favorite sugar free energy drink.