Friday, July 16, 2010

Muscle Supplements

Muscle Supplements is anything that will help your muscle’s grow. Sooo this could be just about anything but in this article we are going to focus on the key ingredients for muscle growth. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA), Beta-Alanine, and Arginine are the key ingredients to Muscle Supplements. These are additions to the diet, protein shakes and pre-workouts that you are already taking. These alone can help build muscle but with proper diet and nutrition, you will get better results.

BCAA, taking this before and after workout will lead to a faster recovery. When your muscles recover faster you body will be able to grow. When looking to find the right amout of bcaa’s you want to get something that offers a 2:1 ratio. EX: Leucine 2000mg, IsoLeucine 1000mg, and Valine 1000mg; this has been shown to help improve recovery tremendously. You can also take this product with your protein to help protein synthesis of other amino acids.

Beta-Alanine produces carnosine, which is what your muscle use as fuel along with ATP. When taking Beta-Alanine people will notice a quicker recovery time in between sets and will be able to rep out more weight. This happens because your body has the right fuel to keep producing energy during workouts. Taking a 500mg before and 1000mg during will help will the production of muscle. Cycling this with creatine has been proven to help people get stronger faster.

Arginine is the amino acid that has come on the supplement scene strong and has been debated for its results. But I recommend this product for a nighttime ingredient. Arginine is known for the pump but what many people don’t know is that some studies have proven its IGF ability. IGF is a growth hormone, when taking arginine before bed time can help increase your growth hormone production. You can also add this to your pre-workout drink to help increase the pump. Add about 1.5g to your pre-workout drink and drink 1.5g before bed to get the muscle you want.

There are a lot of Muscle Supplemts out on the market but don’t miss the effects of these three amazing products. If you are looking for a more rapid recovery, more muscle definition, and a better over all pump, get BCAA’s, Beta-Alanine, Arginine.

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