Monday, July 12, 2010

Scientifically Proven

Want to have great muscle pumps!? Tired of wasting money on over hyped products that just give you stomach aches? Make your own formula that works for the same price or cheaper. Bet-Alanin, Creatine, and GPLC, taken twice daily can lead to better, fuller muscle pumps along with allowing your body to push out more reps.

Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that has been shown in research to increase muscular Carnosine concentrations. Carnosine is contained in both slow and fast twitch muscles fibers and is responsible for buffering the pH levels in your body. By promoting high intra-muscular Carnosine concentrations, Beta-Alanine acts as a precursor to Nitric Oxide (NO) production and works to reduce intra-muscular acidification created by intense exercise and heavy training. In simple terms this means that Beta-Alanine helps to buffer the pH levels in your muscles, preventing the acidity that occurs during exercise. A decrease in the pH balance or increase in muscular acidity leads to that muscle burn youll experience which often prevents gains. Beta-Alanine provides the stimulus to push through this.

Creatine is bodybuilding´s ultimate supplement, and for good reason. For one thing, creatine can significantly increase lean muscle mass. It is also responsible for improving performance in high-intensity exercise, increasing energy levels, and speeding up recovery rates. It´s no wonder athletes who use it have such of an edge over those who do not. Soon nearly every athlete who competes will use it (if they don´t already). Creatine´s ability to enhance energy reserves in muscles comes from its muscle protein synthesizing action, while minimizing protein breakdown. This occurs because creatine has the awesome effect of super-hydrating muscle cells with water. It enhances muscle growth too-making muscle fibers bigger and stronger.

Quite a few studies have been done on creatine to figure out why and how it works so well. There have been over twenty double blind (meaning neither the researchers nor the subjects knew who was getting what), placebo-controlled studies conducted on creatine in the past five years. They proved that creatine increased energy levels, resulting in increased strength, endurance levels, and recovery rates. Another unexpected benefit attributed to creatine was discovered as well: creatine accelerates fat loss, while building lean body mass!

GPLC is a propionyl ester of carnitine (PLC) that includes an additional glycine component. Compared with other forms of carnitine, PLC exhibits a special affinity for muscle tissues, such as the heart. GPLC is a propionyl ester of carnitine (PLC) that includes a glycine component. Compared with other forms of carnitine, PLC exhibits a special affinity for muscle tissues, including those of the heart and skeletal muscles. GPLC is a powerful scavenger against superoxide radicals and it protects against lipid peroxidation. It assists energy production by facilitating the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria and, likewise, the removal of waste substances. GPLC contributes to muscle function by compensating for reduced oxygen availability during exercise and it provides powerful support for peripheral arterial blood flow. Under reduced oxygen conditions, GPLC also promotes proper carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the buildup of lactic acid.

By taking this in the morning and before workouts you will notice in three to four weeks a more leaner, vascular body. If you like to have some energy before workouts you can drink a red bull or your favorite sugar free energy drink.

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