Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food Supplements for the Natural Bodybuilder

When you are a bodybuilder you know that the diet is important. Having a balance of veggies, fruit, bread, and meat will help create the overall physique that you want. But when trying to consume all of this it can be difficult and very filling. There are three products that can help you get the nutrition of your veggies and fruits, protein, and the carbs.

To get all the veggies and fruits that you need to help your body to build, you need to be eating around 4 to 5 fruits a day along with 3 to 5 veggies. This can be overwhelming and not all that tasty. But for a tasty alternative you should take a look into Greens Protein by Olympian Labs. Loaded with a natural source of BCAA’s, Detoxifying agents, and absorbing agents, your body will be able to ad on the lean mass that you are striving so hard to get. With this protein you will be able to absorb more of the nutrition from other foods along with shedding the fat and building the muscle.

To get the protein you need you need to make sure that you find something that has a high protein source along with a low fat count. Olympian Lab’s Beef Protein isolate concentrates the normal 26% protein content found in ground beef to an incredible 98% protein; the highest on the market! That means higher protein content per serving to support your workouts. This process also virtually eliminates the fat content which can easily exceed 20% in raw beef. Even better, the biological value, BV, of Beef Protein is an incredible 90%. The BV is an accurate indicator of the biological activity of a protein. It measures the actual amount of protein deposited per gram of protein absorbed. High biological value proteins are a better choice for increased nitrogen retention, enhanced immunity and IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor) stimulation. They are superior for reducing lean tissue loss from various wasting states in comparison to proteins with a lower BV score.

Gaining weight in a safe, healthy way can be a brutal task. The outdated tactic of simply eating everything in sight may help you pack on pounds, but it will also increase your body fat percentage. NOW Carbo Gain is a state of the art 100% carbohydrate formula that uses maltodextrin - an easily digested form of corn starch that contains glucose polymers. These linked sugar compounds metabolize slowly within the body to ensure sustained energy during workout and high-endurance training, delivering the maximum nutritional value from every carb you consume.

To be a Natural bodybuilder, you need to gain weight the healthiest way possible. Using these three products you will be able to substitute some of your diet to where you can save money and the stomach problems.

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